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May 29, 2005
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well my betta has been gettting worse by the hour, so i moved him to a smaller tank, and held him up to the light just to take another look when i noticed that he has little spots on all of his fins as well as a bluish tinge that has developed around his gills

these have developed WITHIN the last hour and a half!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what could it be? im not really well knowledged on fish diseases......
Are the little spots white?
Kinda look like little pieces of salt or sugar?

The blue - are you sure that's never been there before?

My guess is he's got ick.
Do you have any meds there?

Waht size is the tank he's in, and what's its temp?
right now he is about a half gallon jar, temp is about 74

yeah, thats what the spots look like...they are almost clear but not quite

as for the gills, from the top they kind of look swollen......do you think it is ich? i have some meds here for that, but his gills threw me off so i havent used it yet
Medicate him for Ich immediately. That's what it sounds like.

It also sounds like the parasites have invaded his gills, and that's why they're puffed out. It's quite common, and is one of the ways that fish die from Ich.
If you see spots on him, definitely treat him for ick.

Is there someone else in the bigger tank you took him out of?
The gills might be from a gill infection also.

What do you have for meds there?
And... do you have a larger tank that you could crank the head up to the mid 80s in?
well i just found out that bettas can jump

while i was typing i set a tupperware lid on top of the jar and he jumped, knocked it off, and fell onto the counter! im glad i noticed him int time!!!!!!!!!!!!

scary :blink:

i have jungle ick guard here

my larger tank is 100 gallons, it is currently set to 80 and there are 4 mollies, 1 pleco and two dojo loaches

if i warm up some new water and give a water chage, would that be ok temperature wise?
Any way you can borrow/acquire a 10-gallon and a heater? I wouldn't up the temp in the 100 (as you probably know) cause the other fish won't take it well. Try the ich meds as well as a marine salt dip three times a day (unless your fish gets too stressed out, cause it's working great on my girls). Use about 1/8th a tsp to a coffee cup of water (precise, I know, but it works). One of my girls has Ich on her gills, too, and they seem inflamed, it should be fine after a couple weeks and all the parasites are dead.

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