I much prefer natural peanut butter without any additives as I believe it is healthier. Teddie natural smooth peanut butter is the brand I buy.
What’s Lyles golden syrup?National peanut butter day?! Since when has this been a thing and why am I only learning about it now??? Peanut butter was my childhood staple and we ate it everyday with jam in a sandwich. If my mum felt extra she'd make us peanut butter sandwiches with Lyles golden syrupnow there was a treat!
As a grown up I still eat it in a sandwich or on toast but love cooking with it too, especially in a curry with lots of lime and coriander
Is it just a sugar syrup? Any other ingredients?Essjay beat me to it...these days I buy it in a squeezy bottle, opening the tin was always a sticky mess and it would end up everywhere!
I'm assuming you mean Vegemite? Haha- Vegemite day is already a thing (June 16th) and vegemite celebrated it's 100th anniversary last year. Before all you non-Aussies start labelling Vegemite (I'm not actually that much of a fan, but some of my friends are die-hard pro-vegemite) as 'the key ingredient in bitumen' (I've heard that before) most people I see eating it are so incorrect I'm surprised they don't die of vegemite poisoning. Here is a simple diagram:We should have international peanut butter celebrations, but the Australians probably want equal billing for their strange yeast by product things.