Emergency, Please Help


New Member
Oct 25, 2021
Reaction score
Blackburn, United Kingdom

Test Results for the Following:
Ammonia Level(Tank) 0ppm
Nitrite Level(Tank) 0ppm
Nitrate level(Tank) 0ppm
Ph Level, Tank (If possible, KH, GH and chloramines) PH 6.6 - 7 (it's hard to tell), KH 1
Other Required Info:
Brand of test-kit used and whether strips or drops? API Master freshwater test kit, Drops
Water temperature? 22°C
Tank size (how many gals.) and how long has it been running? 100L, 3 years
What is the name and "size of the filter"(s)? Tidal 120
How often do you change the water and how much? 50% per week
How many days ago was the last water change and how much did you change? 30% 3 days ago
How many fish in the tank and their size? Single fish, 14cm. 20cm including tailfin
What kind of water additives or conditioners? Usually use API Tapsafe & Stress Zyme
What do you feed your fish and how often? Hikari Fancy Goldfish & Hikari Algae Wafers, threw away when he got sick. Peas only for 3 days, Repashy Supergold yesterday. + Plants.
Any new fish added to the tank? No
Any medications added to the tank? Yes - eSHa 2000, 3ppt aquarium salt

List entire medication/treatment history for fish and tank. Please include salt, Prazi, PP, etc and the approximate time and duration of treatment.
Oct 21st: 5tbsp salt to 100L, 30% water change
Oct 22nd: 3ppt salt (300g per 100L), fed peas only, 30% water change
Oct 23rd: eSHa 2000 24 drops, salt 3ppt, fed peas only
Oct 24th: eSHa 2000 12 drops, salt 3ppt, fed peas only
Oct 25th: eSHa 2000 14 drops (2 extra accidentally), salt 3ppt, fed Repashy supergold

Any unusual findings on the fish such as "grains of salt," bloody streaks, frayed fins or fungus?
Left side swollen bulge, scales stick out. "Puss" or something white coming out.
Right side scales slighty sticking out
Hemorrhages at the base of his scales, fins and mouth.
Poops thin and translucent in some areas, but normal sometimes.

Any unusual behavior like staying at the bottom, not eating, etc.? Staying at the bottom since yesterday, still excited when eating.


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Dropsy?? Maybe worms too with the poo?
internal bacterial infection. needs medicated food with anti-biotics in the food. maybe contact a fish vet and get a prescription from them.
internal bacterial infection. needs medicated food with anti-biotics in the food. maybe contact a fish vet and get a prescription from them.
Could it be dropsy? I mean I know the fish isnt swimming to weird but could it still be?
Could it be dropsy? I mean I know the fish isnt swimming to weird but could it still be?
Dropsy is a common name for abdominal bloating caused by fluid, which is usually caused by an internal bacterial infection.

The scales sticking out and red at the base of the scales is a sign of a bacterial infection. The red is blood.
I live on the south coast and after a quick Google the closest vet that lists fish is between 2 and 3 hours drive away 😢
a normal vet might be able to help but fish vets are better for fish if you can find one.
I can't get to a fish vet here, but I have found a uk seller with metroplex, will that work? I'm not sure if "Easy Life VOOGLE Avoid Antibiotics" is actually an antibiotic but I found that too.
I can't get to a fish vet here, but I have found a uk seller with metroplex, will that work? I'm not sure if "Easy Life VOOGLE Avoid Antibiotics" is actually an antibiotic but I found that too.
I’ve just had a Google and it says it’s a water conditioner that will promote healthy fish and reduce the need for antibiotic.

I can’t help with the metroplex - I d know anything about it…
I’ve just had a Google and it says it’s a water conditioner that will promote healthy fish and reduce the need for antibiotic.

I can’t help with the metroplex - I d know anything about it…
I'm sorry, i've just realised I didn't even read the title properly. I read antibiotics, not "avoid antibiotics". I think I need to slow down a bit!
Sorry Sharky is ill but I would like to say firstoff that the goldfish in 100L is not right; that's about 26 US gallons for what is really a pond fish. I see you have a strong filter however that fish need a lot of room to move and a lot more water than you can give him/her in that tank.

I hope Sharky gets better; and he may since he still has an appetite, but it has been my experience that dropsy is usually a sign of the end (organ falure due to fluid retension). I hope I am wrong though.
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I hope Sharky gets better; and he may since he still has an appetite, but it has been my experience that dropsy is usually a sign of the end (organ falure due to fluid retension). I hope I am wrong though.
According to @Colin_T its not dropsy, it’s a bacterial infection…so hopefully if the antibiotics get into him quickly enough he’ll be 👍🏻
According to @Colin_T its not dropsy, it’s a bacterial infection…so hopefully if the antibiotics get into him quickly enough he’ll be 👍🏻
Dropsy is a relative term for an internal bacterial infection...

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