edit: new question about aggresion of cons


Cichlid KING
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
north pole
not so much of an emergency but i need a quick answer...

would my convicts get mad at me if i looked under the pairs rock to see if there are eggs?? i realyl cant see without moving the rock??? anyone?
Sometimes its happens - maybe because they no longer feel that their 'home' is safe and secure. They put a lot of effort into getting the eggs there and would sooner eat them themselves for the nutrition than let someone else get them....


*moved to tcc from emergencies*
also they'll attack you like mad, I'ved had recent experince of small convicts attacks when removing some plant debry and it stings a bit!!
haha i wanted to move one of the rocks on top away from the glass incase it fell, well apparantly that wasnt going to happen! the little bugger bit my finger like 100000 times, the one time it scared the crap out of my and i sploshed like a litre of water on the floor :whistle: guess i wont try that again

btw, i think the female laid eggs!!!!!!!!! she is very skinny now compared to how she used to be and plus her egg tube appeared to be out :D im excited!
ooo new question...

i think my female con has spawned, i cant see the eggs becuase they are under a rock cave thingy.. she is really aggresive towards her male partner, she wont let him in or near the cave... is this normal??

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