I love the look of it.  Been looking at that Unipac stuff.  They colour the black stuff which is putting me off a little bit.
I really like the way that the black sand brings out the colours of the fish though.
I really want something keeps my planned Panda Cory very happy
aaronc said:
I love the look of it.  Been looking at that Unipac stuff.  They colour the black stuff which is putting me off a little bit.
I really like the way that the black sand brings out the colours of the fish though.
I really want something keeps my planned Panda Cory very happy
It doesnt fade or leach anything into the water its perfectly safe. And it does bring out the colour of the plants and fish very well which is why i went for it. Its also very very fine so your corys will love it!!
Only down side is the price. My tank took 3 bags! £90 worth of sand lol crazy huh!
Jeez! That is expensive isn't it! Especially vs a couple of quid a bag from Argos etc ;)
I am sticking Tropica substrate down and then sand, so hopefully I won't need 3 bags - fingers crossed
aaronc said:
Jeez! That is expensive isn't it! Especially vs a couple of quid a bag from Argos etc ;)
I am sticking Tropica substrate down and then sand, so hopefully I won't need 3 bags - fingers crossed
Sounds like a good plan:)
HOWEVER some folk say Argos sand can scratch the glass - be careful :)
Shelster said:
HOWEVER some folk say Argos sand can scratch the glass - be careful :)
To be fair i think that probably applies to most sand and all gravels. Which is why i never try to go too deep with it:)
Time for a small update.
Bioballs have arrived so my 1400EF is nice n full now

Been doin some more ordering too..
Bought My co2 indicator solution, co2 tubing, 4DKH solution and a tone more dry salts as i shall be doubling the doage when the time comes to inject.
All this should be here tomorrow which im pretty excited about.
All thats left now is the co2 itself which i shall be ordering on friday.
Happy Days


I shall upload more pics as and when i make more progress.
As some of you may know, im fortunate enough to only have to work 3 days a week for a handsom wage, this is probably why im on here most of the time lol too much time on my hands lol
Anyway sometimes i can get abit bored at work as each shift is 12hrs!
When i get borded, i go on paint and mess about lol
Check this out, this is just how bored i get! Here is a Flow diagram of my tank and how i plan to distrubute my co2 once i get it going lmao

Lastly here is the long awited vid of my Aqua One. Think of this as the BEFORE vid.
Its looking a little scruffy at the mo as it needs a good vacing and trimming but hey
This should be the first vid of many to come as i plan to keep a youtube video dairy of my co2 progress.
I plan to rip out all the vallis at the back and replant with...
Water Wisteria
Red Nesaea
Red Ludwigia repens and
Red Cabomba
but obviously i need to wait for my LED lighting before i can even go down this road!
So if anyone wants the vallis when the time comes give me a shout, i have tones!!
And thats it. I may have another update in the next day or two once all my little bits arrive in the post
The video says it is private and will not let it play.
Neat drawing ;)
Supraman said:
Yea getting the same

RCA said:
The video says it is private and will not let it play.
Neat drawing ;)
My bad, i must of posted it too soon after uploading it. Try again. Let me know if its working yet if not il repost it:)
Ok so my bits n bobs tuned up this morning


Very happy!!!
Started putting my kit together. Connected the co2 tubing to the inline and bubble counter and also put my check valves in of course.

And i also put my drop checkers in. I know i know theirs no need as im not injecting yet, i just couldnt resist.
I have 3 drop checkers.. One on the right and two on the left.
Here are the two on the left. Now the top one has 4DKH solution in with 3 drops of co2 indicator in.
The bottom one has a reference solution in. This will always stay green as it is just something to compare the other two drop checkers to.
This is the exact same shade of green i should get when i achieve 30ppm co2

All i need now is co2 and more light!

Video should work now
Absolutely lovely, Slim! And a great example of how well-behaved tiger barbs are in large numbers. SO envious!
This Old Spouse said:
Absolutely lovely, Slim! And a great example of how well-behaved tiger barbs are in large numbers. SO envious!
Thank you very much. Its still got some changes to go through yet but im getting there slowly but surely
And absolutely, my Tiger Barbs are very well behaved! Like you say large numbers do help indeed.
As you can see they aint remotely interested in the angels. I think its a nice balance

Video is abit over exposed really isnt it?
Il have to try and approve on that next time

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