Echinodorus Tank (The End)

cheers i have never entered a comp this big.

the actual photo for the contest is really really good (if i say so myself). I can't show it as it's against contest rules. I'll be able to show it in a few months time. :good:
Thank you!

I really want to show the finished pic!! :sad:
It's here...

The close is end of this month and the results come out in August.

ps, remember, no equipment in the tank!
Hmmmmm, next year defo, cant enter now the tank is still growing in :( just added 2 pots of Glosso, moved round the 3 Anubias, hacked the hell out of the moss and still watching my Crispus Red fight its way out of the Crypts.
Well, this tank will come to an end next week and i'm at work til then so i thought i'd get one last pic...

end of echinodrus by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

I'll be starting a new journal soon.
The next scape is going in the AGA. :good:
Looking forward to it :good:, wont be till prob this time next year but when the 150G is set up I'm going for some serious comps with it, may need some advice on going about it tho dude.

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