Echinodorus Tank (The End)

Guppy......a man's fish? I'm starting to worry about you Ian lol ;)
Guppy's?! I wouldn't of bet on that! All males Ian? Can't really make them out with the video/pic. Nice colours and attractive tails.

cheers James, and yes all males. I might add some females just to see normal behaviour.

I have added 2 x TMC Grow beams LED's to the tank and OMG, these are an awesome bit of kit <3
Got an early birthday present, she has treated me to some TMC LED's. They add a really natural look over the tank.

leds by Ian Holdich, on Flickr
To be honest Ian: I like your scape much better than Amano's! I think his is boring, I feel there is very little going on in there.

What is the plant in between the rocks? It looks a bit like sagittaria to me, but that is not an echinodorus...
To be honest Ian: I like your scape much better than Amano's! I think his is boring, I feel there is very little going on in there.

What is the plant in between the rocks? It looks a bit like sagittaria to me, but that is not an echinodorus...

HaHa I like you Lu for a reason. Amano was a great inspiration but ianho took it to a better place. I hope you can grab a picture with the guppies all over. That would complete the image. I learn so much from threads like this. :wub:
To be honest Ian: I like your scape much better than Amano's! I think his is boring, I feel there is very little going on in there.

What is the plant in between the rocks? It looks a bit like sagittaria to me, but that is not an echinodorus...

Thank you very much for the compliment Lu!

the plant that looks like Sag is E. Red Devil.

HaHa I like you Lu for a reason. Amano was a great inspiration but ianho took it to a better place. I hope you can grab a picture with the guppies all over. That would complete the image. I learn so much from threads like this

again thank you very much...

heres a quick vid of the new light (best veiwed in 720p)

Love the lighting Ian, its great when the LEDs give the natural shimmer on the plants, rocks and substrate. :)
I bet that's a treat to sit back and watch. My goal in life will be to show you up someday :lol: :lol: :lol: I guess that didn't sound like the compliment it was supposed to. :)

Beating the master and all that.
Love the lighting Ian, its great when the LEDs give the natural shimmer on the plants, rocks and substrate.

Cheers Steve, not sure i'll be going back to normal bulbs give a lovely effect at night.

I bet that's a treat to sit back and watch. My goal in life will be to show you up someday I guess that didn't sound like the compliment it was supposed to.

Beating the master and all that.

Thank you for the compliment, i'm far from the 'master' though, i started exactly the same way as you...just learning to grow plants. Then it's upto you whether you take it to the next level. You are doing it the right way in my book.
Love the lighting Ian, its great when the LEDs give the natural shimmer on the plants, rocks and substrate.

Cheers Steve, not sure i'll be going back to normal bulbs give a lovely effect at night.

Once you've done lighting from a single point source, whether it's LEDs or Metal Halides, it's difficult to go back to the relatively dead look of Florescent tubes. If I ever do another planted tank, more than likely I shall hunker down and use a MH bulb, suspended from a distance. Having worked with both now, I prefer the more natural shimmer of the MH. The LEDs look a bit off at times, still far superior to florescent, but still "off" compared to a Metal Halide.

That being said, florescents still deliver very good bang for your buck and they are readily available.

What's the mix of the bulbs, Ian, with regard to color temperature? I'm curious.
they are 6500k LED'S, it's a nice coloured light TBH, for some reason they aren't a lot different to the 2 x 9000k tubes. I like MH, but they can be a little dangerous over a planted tank IMO, 150w of pure radiating light, as you say they need to be hung at a great distance if you want to see your tank for more than 2 hours at a time. These LED's a equivalent to 2x 24w T5's, which is just what i wanted over a tank this size. It's not to much and it's not to little. :good:
This shall be the last pic of this tank as i'm gonna enter it for the IAPLC (Only to keep the numbers up!), it won't finish highly, it'll be in the 1000 i'm sure, but hey...check the professionalism of the studio! lol

OLIVER by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

Got some cracking wood for the next scape!

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