Dyed Fish

Crab Paste

Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Yorkshire, UK
I went to a LFS today who I noticed selling dyed fish a couple of months ago. Since then I've not bought anything at all from them because of this, even though I've been in several times just to gaze at the two juvenile Uaru who keep calling me -_- . I went in last week and they didn't have any dyed fish so I decided to go back today to buy a heater (they're a good £5-6 cheaper here than anywhere else local).

As soon as I walked in the door I saw 40 or so dyed Parrots :blink:
Had a look around and they also had around 60 dyed 'Rainbow' Tetras, every colour imaginable :-(

An elderly couple came in and went straight to the R.T's. looking very excited. 'I wouldn't buy those if I were you' I said, 'oh, why?' the lady answered. I explained the dying process to her and pointed out the ones who were already fighting for life flapping around on their sides at the bottom of the tank, at least 10 of them. Even pointed out some of the needle holes that hadn't healed properly. I felt a bit silly advising a complete stranger who hadn't asked for any help whatsoever, but to heck with that, people should know what these fish 'really' are and I was very unhappy to see these poor fish in such a predicament. They took my advice and thanked me. As they did so, a small child ran into the fish room followed by her mother and sister (or so I'm guessing they were) and an assistant, who dished out 6 dyed Rainbow Tetras :grr: The customers didn't look the 'type' to be told what they should or shouldn't be able to buy and dump in their own tank so I left it without speaking out.

As I was leaving, the elderly couple shouted me back and asked my advice on a number of fish which I gladly gave them. At least that made me feel better about the non solicited advice I'd given them earlier, they actually asked for it this time, and they didn't buy any dyed fish. One out of two isn't bad, it's a start?

PS, sorry for the long post. Would anyone else here speak out to a stranger if they were about to unwittingly buy a dyed fish? Would you want to be told if you were the customer? Please let me know how you feel about this.


CP :thumbs:
i think its mean too but its going to happen so all we can do is stop as many people from buying them as we can like you

good job :)
GOOD JOB !!!!!!!!!

It takes a lot to speak up. Way to go, and yes I would tell someone they may be making a mistake however all you can do is bring the horse to water but as it goes you can't make them drink.
Wow, you guys have a lot of stores around you that do that.. None of the petsmarts or local petstores have any dyed fish. Well one store does but I hardly go there anymore since a new petsmart opened near me.
you know i must say that im guilty of purchasing 2 dyed tetras that i had no idea were dyed. i wish i knew for sure before i bought them because i definatly hate cruelty to animals. you should hear some of the stuff i do to help animals.. anyway i think someone should let it be known to potential customers just to let the people know. i must say my two seem to be very healthy and happy after about two months but i still wish i woulda known beforehand even if it was told to me by the lfs themselves and let the people decide..i probably wouldnt have bought them anyways.but they caught my eye as a newbie..i knew somethin was up they looked too cool. anyway mine have a happy home . i thought i seen somethin in the forums about this but didnt know for sure that someone would dye fish for $ . now i know for sure and i think it sucks...jmo...
Yah the sign doesn't always say they are dyed, probally because they are trying to take your money. :)
Yeah the LFS we dont goto anymore (one of the reasons being they stock dyed fish) calls them "painted fish" I guess it doesnt sound as bad as dyed.

I thought that was the color of their blood or something (though it never quite made sense to me even then, how come different ones had different colored blood?) way back, but then my friend Kori told me that they were dyed, I thought 'who the hell would dye a fish?' but then I thought of all the people who bought them, and then it was like 'ahh, dumb money hungry people strike again...' I think they look tacky, even before I knew they were dyed.
Its odd really. The lps I sometimes go to (they have such cute bunnies) sells 'painted widow tetras'. Obviously these are dyed, but the dying doesn't look tacky at all. Its almost natural. Are these dipped then?
They are probably still dyed or painted, toxic bathed, whatever...Its all bad.
The thing i don't get is that there are already so many beautiful natural or selectively bred colors in fish, dying fish is completely unesarsary.
I think it's awful, well done on speaking out, you never know the old couple may pass on that advice to others?. I've never seen a dyed fish in any of the shops near us but I hope I would have the conviction to speak to people who were looking to buy them (probably to the embarrassment of my BF!)

As you say when you look at some of the fish available why would you dye them! Natures doing quite a good job without our help! :thumbs:
I've just started in on my most recent aquarium craze- but i have an addictive personality and when something really interests me i don't do it half-assed! (That doesn't mean i do it all correctly the first time- just that i'm aggressively seeking my mistakes :p) I noticed the dyeing and jucing threads about when i started actually buying fish (after cycling the aquarium for 2 weeks).

I have four lfs within a 15 minute drive and probably 15-20 within a 45 minute drive. I hate to drive, however, and so have only checked out the four local stores at this time.

Wal-Auschwitz has never had more than 10 live fish in their 30+ aquariums where I live. This place pisses me off- I have already written a letter to their corporate headquarters about this store. I get creeped out everytime i walk in the place, but keep going back every few days just HOPING things will improve. I really hope those empty tanks are because of a personel shortage rather than neglect- but the waste I see in the tanks makes me beleive the shipments are repeatedly killed off.

On to your point about painting and dyeing- ALL of the other three stores i went to- 2 large chains and the other a Mom and Pop lfs- didn't have painted fish until about a week ago. It seems our area was hit big time with the painted and dyed fish, and no one here has the sense to say no.

As of today (when i finally found the painted glass fish at the Mom and Pop joint i mentioned) i am planning trips to the stores further away and unaffiliated with any "chain-of-mart" stores or the lfs near me. All three will receive revised letters nearly identical to the one i sent the "Wal-Killer" store i mentioned. Although i will forgo the the "cruel neglect" portion to these since the stores take care enough of their fish to make them LOOK healthy.

Sure- some fish are more valuable in our eyes than others. It may be WORTH it to take better care of higher dollar fishes when a company looks only at the bottom line.

It is my opinion that people who handle live creatures should take a much larger role in their business than just saying, "What will make me money- how can i get the most profitable number of fish per dollar spent?" If the care is terrible i'm going to tell the company, and that they have lost my business because of it! The company officials are the only ones who can really make a change anyway and short of picketing the store (which will get you called a nut!), I believe this is the best way to be heard.

It's great to warn people away from fish that have been artificially "spruced-up" in any way, but i think if you want to make a difference you have to let the companies know that they have lost your money.

I know not everyone has this ability since the density of lfs is quite variable, but I would still recommend letting the fish seller know you are unhappy with them in some way (especially if its a local joint). I hope to at least get my closest lfs to ban them, and i won't hesitate to tell anyone i see there about poor conditions or cruel practices if the store chooses to disregard my complaint.

It's always nice to see a person who is nuts about fish IMO, but if you CARE about them enough to speak out (even if it's just a letter) then your fish can really get nuts about you! (Holy geekness Batman!)

In closing- if i can recognize a fish that has been messed with- i'm gonna let everyone i can find know about it. Disguising stock and lying to customers is no way to run a business.

Angry Fisherman,
I went back to the same LFS again today, 1 week on and they still had the same dyed fish (but less of them as some have been sold obviously).

I also spotted 1 poor little Black Neon Tetra flapping around helplessly on the fish trolley (they use to keep the nets, bags and water jug). I scooped out some water from his tank into the jug and gently netted him (he actually flipped into the net himself) into the jugt then let him back into his tank. Thankfully he began swimming around normally after a few seconds.

I told the manageress of the store what I'd done, just incase anyone thought I was messing with the tanks and the fish, she laughed and asked the assistant if she'd 'served' any Black Neons and she said yes, smirking. That was that, no thanks, not that I expected it.

I also asked if they had any plans to stop stocking dyed fish. She gave me a blank look then after asking again she said they got them as substitutes and didn't actually order them, but once they're there, they have to keep them. She also said they tell any customers who buy them that they are dyed, which I know is a lie as they didn't when I was there a week ago. I told her the dyed fish are the reason I've stopped purchasing my fish and equipment from them. I stayed calm and composed the whole time, even though that's not how I felt. I don't think she really cared but that's up to them isn't it. :dunno:
My lfs gets them in sometimes by accident. The suppliers make them sound like they aren't dyed on the order sheet. I asked her one day if they stocked dyed fish, just to see what she would say. She got very animated and told me some of the stories the suppliers have told her. She showed me some that she had gotten in the day before. On the order form they said "red something(I don't remember what kind of fish it was). The fish was flourescent pink. Not even red. Every time she gets them in she tries to return them to the supplier. If she can't she tells everyone what kind of fish it is, what happened to it, and what will happen when the dye fades and the fish live such a shortened life span. She sometimes puts them in darkened tanks and tells customers she won't sell them because they are sick. She also doesn't give credit if the customer decides to buy one against her advice and they die.

I would tell someone they are about to buy dyed fish if the employee serving them didn't. I would want them to know what they are buying. Good on you for doing it, and standing up for what you believe in. :kana: :thumbs: :cool:
I'd want to know :(

"Painted" wotsit could easily be a quaint olde worlde name for a pretty coloured fish - probably why they say that instead of "dyed"...

Until yesterday I didn't realise that fish were dyed, although I'd heard of the GM glow in the dark ones.

So yes, speak up!!

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