Dyed Fish

Zebra Danio's are dyed sometimes. It's against the law here in the UK, but they are allowed in some parts of the US.

They are known as 'Glofish'

That's just one examle.

Thats not true. The "Glofish" are genetically altered. The embryos of the great-great-great-grandparents of the glofish that you see in the store were spliced with the genes of organism that glows naturally. The color in glowfish is from a natural, fluorescent protein rather than a dye. The fish are born colored. Not to say there aren't dyed zebra danios, but Glofish are not dyed. The Glofish company has even copyrighted the genetic sequence of the fish, so only one company can make these fish. They are banned in the UK because they are genetically modified animals.

The fish I've seen dyed before are usually white blood parrot cichlids and I've even seen an albino corydora with blue dye injected into the base of its tail. Fish that are naturally see-through or white are the usual targets.

Well if im honest I know little on the subject. I just know that Zebra Danio's are not coloured like that naturally. I disagree with dying, genetically altering and all the rest of it, I don't see it necessary.

What I really hate is balloon fish, here are some sick photos:
Balloon Red Rainbowfish

Balloon Boesmani Rainbowfish

Balloon Pearl Gourami

Balloon Penguin Tetra

They've also managed to make a 'short body' version of the Garra Rufa
OMG Ballon fish should be banned outright and breeders of these deformed fish fined! One of my LFS has balloon Texas Cichlids!
OMG Ballon fish should be banned outright and breeders of these deformed fish fined! One of my LFS has balloon Texas Cichlids!
I have never seen anything like that-how ugly and cruel. However, some people must like them or they wouldn't be sold. I hesitate to ask how they achieve that gross effect :-(
OMG Ballon fish should be banned outright and breeders of these deformed fish fined! One of my LFS has balloon Texas Cichlids!
I have never seen anything like that-how ugly and cruel. However, some people must like them or they wouldn't be sold. I hesitate to ask how they achieve that gross effect :-(

Its a deformity of the spine, I had some of my Rotkeil severums hatch like it, about 10 in one batch after 3 batches of perfectly healthy ones, I euthanised them (although did miss a couple) but as they grew you could see the spine was shorter giving this "balloon" effect as they so nicely put it. It shortens the fish's live span as the organs are not formed properly and can lead to other health problems. I stopped raising my severum fry now. Natural deformaties are a common occurance a few in each batch maybe, but to activly breed deformed fish is barbaric.
natural deformities are indeed one thing, but to do it by desire is like the breeding of extreme dog breeds-totally immoral. The breeders obviously have no regard for the suffering of the animals/fish

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