Dropsy Taking Over

alex the bear

New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Plymouth, UK
A couple of days ago a female dwarf gourami of mine died as a cause of dropsy and now 3 of my 4 torpedoes are showing signs and so to is 1 of the danios :( I'm treating with interpet no9 and a dose of tonic salt in both main and hospital tanks but its really stressing me out, feel like I'm failing my fish :(

Iv made plenty of mistakes while setting this tank up and now thier coming round to bite me in the #17#####, last couple of weeks iv had a couple of ammonia spikes but I just put that down to having added a couple of new fish. Would my filters be matured yet? Been running the overhead Aquaone now for 4 months and the external tetratec for 2 months, both with the standard media that they came with. What else can I do?

In my 165ltr I have
8 three lined corys
4 torpedo barbs
6 zebra danios
4 turquoise rainbows
6 wagtail platys
1 dwarf gourami
2 opaline gourami
1 common pleco

you made lots of mistakes? i did too with my first tank (not saying its your first tank) and lost a few to various things, lost my lovely male molly to dropsy. ive seen when people use interpet it helps a little but maybe its not strong enough? maybe maracyn two would be better. also you need to be doing regular water changes, that really is a great tonic for recovering fish, works as well as meds for some illnesses. good luck, hope your tank recovers
you made lots of mistakes? i did too with my first tank (not saying its your first tank) and lost a few to various things, lost my lovely male molly to dropsy. ive seen when people use interpet it helps a little but maybe its not strong enough? maybe maracyn two would be better. also you need to be doing regular water changes, that really is a great tonic for recovering fish, works as well as meds for some illnesses. good luck, hope your tank recovers

Yeah obvious mistakes like putting in a dozen fish a week after I got the tank, then feeding them the equivalent of a 5 course meal twice a day :) only doing water changes once a week (I probably had high everything at the time) and not really researching any of the fish I was buying. Thing is that was months ago and now I'm seriously addicted and, I think doing all the right things but now I'm losing fish :(

I'm currently changing 30% a day for the next 3 days then 30% everyother day for a week while constantly treating but iv been told by lfs that dropsy is a nightmare to get rid of, is this true and am I likely to loose all my fish?

Thanks for your reply

In my experience, the best thing you can do would be water changes, meds don't seem to do a whole lot. Have you checked your nitrates as well? I had one of my girls come down with dropsy a week or so ago, figured out I wasn't preparing the nitrate test property and figured out I was way high. I did 50% water changes two days in a row and have been doing 25% per day since. Swelling is going down a little bit every day and she has started eating again. Generally it is said that once you see dropsy the damage is done, but I have cured a betta in the past. Just keep up your water changes and monitor that your water parameters are not changing too fast or you will shock your fish.

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