Don't Know About You But I'd Like To Hear Some Of The

Whenever I feed my fish flake food, my lobster (crayfish) tries to stand on its rear legs and tail and catch the flakes instead of waiting for them to hit the aquarium floor where he/she could much more easily reach them.
My old amano shrimp once attacked my betta for a piece of flake food.

The betta never did pick on the shrimp again, now that I think of it :lol:
I have a common plec who seems to love moss balls. He hits them with his tail around the tank and 'headbutts' them, destroying my attempt at planting an aquarium - so funny to watch!

It's like giving catnip to him.
I read a story where a guy would put a ball of some sort in the tank with his oscar and the oscar would grab it and try to push it out of the tank. So, he realized that since the oscar was reacting this way to the ball, he could make it seem to other people that the oscar was fetching the ball after he would put it in the tank. I have no idea if this story is true, but considering how wacky oscars are, I wouldn't be surprised.
I can't say these are the strangest things I've ever seen involving fish, but they're the only two that pop in my head at the moment...

One being my kribs. Parents had a huge spawn. mom packed up the kids and moved to the other end of the tank away from Dad. Dad went bonkers for a week or so and constantly teased mom. One day I watched in horror as he sucked in one of the fry and spit out a bit in half fish. That now grown half a krib still lives in my tank to this day :zz

The next, I feed my midas live prawn often. One has managed to escape him for over 6 months now. It lives in a crevice between the front glass and a clay pot and it has grown quite large. The other day I was pointing at it, trying to show him, and the prawn charged out and poked the midas' eye. It's a crazy thing when your food fights back.
One day I noticed I couldn't find one of my marbled hatchet fish - I searched all round the tank but couldn't find it. A few days later I found a dried hatchetfish on the base of my stand.

Also, I have a spotted talking catfish that lives inside a bit of my bogwood - it never comes out - I am pretty sure it must be stuck, yet I know it is still alive because I check often. So when I remove the bogwood when cleaning out the tank, I always hold it above the tank to see if it wants to drop out, but it never does - so I have to keep it in a bucket of tank water.
Nothing really weird for me....I have had one kuhlii loach leap from my 32 gallon and fall 3 foot down to the carpet and is happy, healthy and social to this day :)
actually Paul the guppy had somethnig wrong with it i think because i didnt clean out the filter latley i saw it haveing trouble swimming and not really moving much so i thought id leave it and c wut happend once i got back i couldnt fine the poor thing. but with my neons i lost all i had were small sized mollies and a dwaf gourami which couldnt have eat one
yeah, but they could have just keeled over :rip:

my favorite story (which i've told before) is watching my pleco repeatedly drive away my puffer from the algae wafers :lol:
one of my placs has a habit of picking up a rock shrimp, swimming for a bit then putting it down, then they both just sort of sit together till one get board.
i found a tiger barb stuck on the top of my lid on the inside of the tank it was just stuck there with nothing holding it there

these aren't exactly strange, but still rather amusing, imo.

my huge calico oranda goldfish (named gobbles) has a love for the game "snail soccer". he butts snails about the tank bottom endlessly with his little nose. he has already killed one snail this way, poor thing. just gets a bit bored, i suppose. :p

my dempsey is just as much a pansy as my silver dollars. my female convict rules over his tank. it's pretty funny, seeing such a big fish be such a wimp. :lol:
On a tv show I once saw a goldfish that would help another goldfish who couldn't swim up to the water surface to eat. So, the helpful goldfish would actually put the helpless fish on it's back and would swim towards the surface until the helpless one got enough to eat. I know it sounds too incredible to believe, but it actually happened.

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