I have seen some pretty wild stuff in just two years of fish keeping. I sure would like to hear some of the weird things all of you have witnessed during your fish-keeping days. Come on, just tell a quick story...
one of my goldfish, when it was small, got stuck in the intake of a hob and had its entire tail cut off up to the bone before i got it out. and 3 years later, its still living!
guppy fry in my canister filter survives for months and months.
I had a bronze cory who would bury his head in the sand, right up over his gills and stay there till he really couldn't 'hold his breath' anymore and then he would rush up to the surface, take a gulp of air and sit gasping till he recovered and start all over again - ALL day long Unfortunately it is my opinion that he brain damaged himself because all of a sudden he went all silly and stopped behaving like a cory, swimming with the black phantom tetras instead. He seemed to have forgotten how to eat and stopped growing and although he lived for quite some time after that, he died eventually, but seemed very happy right up unil the end. All my other bronze cories are still healthy and happy and have spawned many a time, giving us lots more bronze cories!!!
Hungry, my golden ancistrus, always falls asleep in his bogwood cave. He tends to sleep attached to the roof, but it appears that when he gets into a deep sleep, he falls from the roof and lands on his back, without waking up. So quite often, I find him lying on his back, fins splayed either side, lying on the substrate under his cave! You could almost hear him snoring!
My pacu follows my oscar around like a puppy dog. It will not let the oscar have a moment's peace. I used to wonder why, but now I have seen it for myself. When the oscar poops, the pacu EATS it! That is so gross!
My betta likes to limbo under plant leaves on the gravel. He goes up to them, lays down on his side, and wiggles under he makes it under the plant leaf. Then he swims around the tank, and does it again.
Also, my pleco and False Flying fox repeditivly copy each other on behaviour. They've met like, halfway now. I've never seen such an active pleco or a FFF try to latch onto the glass before...
I have an African who is now in a tank with a golden gourami and a few danios (i have no idea why this worked! hahaha!) i put him in this tank becasuse the one he WAS in (alone) was leaking, but he got along fine with them, (the reason he was alone was because he was SUPER agressive) so he was in there for about a week and then i noticed he follows my golden gourami around like he is trying to pair up, there is never a moment in the tank where he leaves it's side, the strangest thing i've ever seen. Even in feeding time he is right there beside it and the gourami doesn't seem to mind at all they just swim around together..........
I had setup a food timer once years ago. When I came back two weeks later the food was spilled all over the open corner I had cut, including the crossbrace/lip ontop. I went to clean the mess and found maggots! Nasty.
I've seen a betta jump out of a hole in the lid of his tank that was literally 1" across. Also, I have a peacock eel I "saved" from a tank full of dead and dying fish at Walmart, and two days after I got him I saw him burried in the sand, covered in little fuzzy spots -- columnaris. I treated once with a half dose of Melafix, then didn't see him again for months and just kinda assumed he was dead. Nope, about 3 months later I spotted him again as though he had come back from the gravel, healthy as a horse, and he lives on to this day.
Strangest thing I've seen in 15+ years of fishkeeping was the dissappearance of my silver arrowana...he was over 1 foot long....in a tank with my red tailed catfish who was about the same size (yes tank was rather large!) Tank was very well sealed to prevent arrowana from jumping out...one day he just vanished...no wet spots on floor or body...catfish had no hugely fat belly...so what happened? I liked the catfish better anyway but still!