Don't Ever Buy Fish From Wal-Mart

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So here I sit trying to think of ways to educate people on the finer parts of live animals & it occurs to me that TV is very popular.
Maybe after ringing the ASPCA, one of our dear activists (perhaps Bettamomma :D ) could organize a letter to Oprah (she's into everything good you know....), then not only would you be an activist - you would be famous from being the fish lady that Oprah talked to !!! Your title could be "Fishy Florence Nightengale who spoke to Oprah" :)
just a thought........
Isn't Target currently being banned by a bunch of people because it refuses to let the Salvation Army hold their collections in front of their stores?
can't you do something about this, its an act of crualty to animals. If it was the uk then the rspca would be involved
You know what..... the Talk Show circuit is a FABULOUS idea. And I'm always up for some fun fun fun! heh heh

I'm going to go now and gather up my photos of how some of my rescues looked when I brought them home. Then I'm going to start a document with dates and locations about my experiences.

If you all wouldn't mind posting any photos of fish you have that came from these places (preferrably in the horrible conditions they are kept in, or their injuries or illnesses they had when you took them in), or PM'ing me with your story (the majorly condensed versions) so I can start creating documentation on this.

Oprah is a very compassionate woman and I don't think that really anything like this has been done before - although there's a very small chance that it would ever work.

What have we go to lose, really? What's the worst that could happen, she will ignore my inquiry?

GREAT idea, little susie!!
Dr. Phil would try to counsel the WalMart employees..

Oprah would just yell at them for cruelty to animals.

Go with Oprah.. she's also a lot more compassionate than Dr. Phil in terms of her reactions and audience.
Great idea! She's well-known as an animal lover. Hey, maybe she could just buy Walmart and then pay all of us to take care of the animals! :rolleyes: Okay, it was just an idea.
Hey Jason,

Your a good man caring for the fish whenver you can, really nice to see that. Poor fish.
ccg said:
Hey Jason,

Your a good man caring for the fish whenver you can, really nice to see that. Poor fish.
Very true! :thumbs:

And on that note I think it's a good time to end this thread seeing as it has gone a long way off from Jason's original post. :D
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