Don't Ever Buy Fish From Wal-Mart

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One difference between wal-mart and McDonald's is that a regular consumer of McD's products will eventually suffer a fate as bad if not worse then these poor fish. :S
I'm such a McDonald's junkie.. there's one right across campus that gives us deals with our student card, so I often end up making 2 or 3am McD's runs.. any extra value meal, any day of the week.. $4.27CAD with tax!

But yeah, WalMart.. I prefer shopping at the ones that don't carry live fish. You should not be able to buy fish and hair dye in the same store, IMO.
I gave a Walmart employee a "subtle" hint about the state of their fish today... I asked to buy a dead fish :lol:
He refused to bag it for me and let me purchase it, but I kept pushing with things like "but it's the prettiest one!!"
Eventually he got the hint and said he'd scoop out all the dead ones. :grr:
Tokis-Phoenix said:
The thing i don't get about the water in the betta cups is why is there so little water in them?? its not like water is exactly wallet bustingly expensive....
I actually confronted the pet dept manager at the WM near where I work. He told me that they couldn't put any more water in them because the bettas breathed air (he at least knew that much about them) and that if they filled them over half full, they wouldn't get enough air and would die. I told him they were going to die anyway from all the waste and bad water they were in. The cups do have air holes. Not a lot but enough that they could fill them nearly full and the fish would stilll have plenty of oxygen.
pica_nuttalli said:
eh, but at what cost? i understand that its hard (extremely hard) to convince people not to go there for just everyday items, but the more i know about their business practices...

its not just fish. walmart abuses illegal immigrants, female employees, contracted suppliers... they nearly put rubbermaid out of business by capping the cost of their goods; rubber prices went up but walmart told rubbermaid that they weren't going to pay anymore for rubbermaid goods. rubbermaid had no choice but to eat those costs... :no: not kosher. walmart treats everyone like that.

they're the ultimate corporate monolith and until the consumer refuses to hand over the cash, nothing will change. i try to spend as little of my money there as possible, so do most of my friends. it is the cheapest, but again, at what cost? the workers? the suppliers? someone is paying the dividend somewhere.

if you have the option, i strongly encourage you not to spend money at walmart or any of it associated stores.
I completely agree with you 110%.
What's going to happen (and already IS happening) is that WM is eventually going to run every other business out of town, then when no one IS left to compete with them they'll be able to soak us for whatever they darn well please.

I, for one, am willing to pay a little bit more to go to Target or somewhere else that does not selllive animals.

I betcha good old Mr. Walton is turning over in his grave.

One of the very ironic things is that I work for a very large consumer products company. In fact, we do over 40 million$ in business with them every year. They are our LARGEST customer, by far. WhatEVER they say goes with us. We bend over backwards to get them what they want and at however the heck much they feel like paying us for it.

It's a really sad world.
That's what started my whole bitterness toward them.
Then the day I spotted the first fish in the store that was sick.... OOOoOoOoh :grr:
I'm still waiting for the day when I find a dead one floating.
I think they all know better than to allow that to happen.
There will be one furious loud and obnoxious woman in that store on that day.
BettaMomma said:
littlefishie said:
I've been to the local WalMarts and complained..

The employees run when I come to the fish department.
Same here.
But you cause far more of a ruckus than I do!
They just recognize me as the 'crazy fish girl who called the SPCA'..

You're like the raving lunatic who will scream until the fish are properly taken care of! :p :lol:

I'd scream and rant if I didn't shop there regularly.. me = poor student, so WalMart is good for certain things.
But you're a good and helpful raving lunatic. ;)

I, sadly, can't afford to scream at the employees.. plus I love the greeter at the one where I live when not in school.. he's so adorable, he pretends he's my adopted Dad.
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