Dont be shy

yeah 2 isn't a group, you need about 6-8 to reduce their aggresion ;)
Yes tiger barbs like to be kept in groups of 6+ its possiblt the tiger barb bullied the other one to death, was 1 bigger than the other ?
so if I buy a bunch of them they should be okay? They won't get all wierd on me? I just don't have the heart to get rid of them.
If u have the room, yes get some more, but dont over stock the tank, as for the shark, get the shop to take it back!
If its the shark in the pic i posted, then yes it will get that big, and short of a swimming pool, u wont be able to keep it :crazy: :unsure:
but that doesn't explain why he's freaking out he's maybe 2" long and I just can't figure him out
Please post a new topic in another part of the forum, we'll continue the discussion there, as this is getting too fishie for the newbie forum. Thankyou, - let me recomend tropical chit chat ;)
I'm not too sure why hes freaking out, how long has the tank been set-up ? do u have any water readings ?

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