doing some before time research.

right back from work, done me water change so time to look at some pretty pictures.

i'm not sure what kind of max size fish i could have in there but here goes...

common clown, percula clown
purple fire fish/fire fish
blue chromis
royal gamma
yellow-tailed damselfish
3 striped damsel
flame back dwarf angel
mandarin fish
white fin lion fish ( R. radiata)

there we go, not in any particular order really, the lion fish would be nice if it can with these type of small fish other wise i'll leave it out.
What size tank did you decide on and do you want to do full reef or FOWLR?
i'll do the 3x2x2.

urnm i think it's the FOWLR i head has a picture of a pile of live rock with corals growing here and there with small fish zipping around!
Paul_MTS said:
i'll do the 3x2x2.

urnm i think it's the FOWLR i head has a picture of a pile of live rock with corals growing here and there with small fish zipping around!
Corals usually means reef, even if they're small/soft corals :) Corals do add a really nice element to the tank!

I have that tank coming out to roughly 90 US gallons - does that sound right?

The main reason I'm asking is for the mandarin. They're one of my favorite fish and while they stay small, they eat a TON of copepods and it can be very hard to keep them in smaller tanks, or tanks that haven't been established long enough (like at least a year) in order to get the pod population up high enough.

I'm sure others who are more knowledgeable about specific fish can help you out more than me though :whistle: :lol:
Corals usually means reef, even if they're small/soft corals

Oki dokey, just making sure i got the right message across!!

does that sound right?

Spot on!! 75 UK gals and 90 US gals.

wow my book even mentions the copepods, fair enough, i kind of expected marine stocking to be alot more particular and slower than FW, my book describes the copepods as litle white blobs floating about the reef??
Copepods and amphipods are both tiny little (sometimes microscopic) invertebrates that ride in on your live rock and are just part of the overall reef ecosystem. There are other fish that eat them as well, plus they help keep the tank clean as part of the cleanup crew.

The minimum size tank for a mandarin seems to be kinda controversial. I've even seen it said that its not recommended to keep them in anything smaller than a 120 gallon just because of how quickly they can go through the pods!

Then there are some people who keep them in smaller tanks and buy pods to add in to the filter to spill out and augment the population that way. I've seen pods for sale on different websites...

There are also some people who have been able to get mandarins to start taking commercial foods, but that seems to be pretty few and far between.

I'm pretty sure Navarre knows way more about mandarins than I do, he may have more concrete advice for your situation and your tank.

About all I have left to contribute is that I LOVE my clown and purple firefish and they get along just fine! B)
Oh right, so in the mandarins case it's more down to supply of food, I though my book was wrong for a minute then, 2.5 inch fish not fitting in a 90 gal!! :lol: I'm pretty sure my mate with the 50 gallon keeps 1 or 2 of them in his tank and he feeds algae and brine shrimp mainly i think.

I'm not sure if i can buy pods anywhere so thats something to look into.

at least those 2 are ok then :D
allright, here we go, I Might repeat some stuff that parker has already said.
I would say no for now on the mandarin, wait for a while on it, at least a year or so, during that year you would impliment a as large of a refugium as you could, this would create a natural food source that woul always have new copepods and amphipods being reared. This would be for a mandarin that wouldn't eat prepared foods (most of the mandarins that are available) but if you find one that eats prepared foods your battle is halfway over. The problem with Mandarins in general is that they are constantly eating, so multiple feedings during the course of a day is usually recquired, though if you have enough copepods/amphipods in the tank and just suppliment with prepared food you could get away with less feedings. The firefish are AWESOME FISH!!! Make sure to get a pair, do not buy them seperately, but buy two that have already paired up, have the store bag them together, and introduce them to your tank at the same time, and in time after they have gotten over their shyness they will soon come out and be beautiful centerpieces to your tank, however these will eat copepods and amphipods as well, but not in the large amounts that the mandarin will. As far as a flame angel, these are known to nip and eat some corals and inverts (like clams!), some will not show any signs of being pests, and then one day they can just start in on nipping on stuff with a vengeance! SO, basically beware, some people never have problems. If you do decide to get one, make sure you get one that is collected in either Hawaii or Australia, they don't use harmful chemicals to collect angels, unlike other places. I would go ahead and forget the damsels, they are natorious for being territorial, and many people end up trying to catch them to no avail, and have to resort to literally fishing them out with a hook and line. Damsels eventually lose their beautiful colors and start turing darker and duller. Chromis are one of the only damselfish that I would even think to put in a tank other than a percula clown (yes clownfish are damselfish, many people don't know this) If you get about 3 chromis they will school and it is really cool, but they do eventually lose their vibrant colors. Percula clownfish will also become territorial as well, but if you introduce a small one after some of the other more timid inhabitants, you should be just fine. The lion fish would do well in a species only tank, sorry. I believe that Royal Grammas can be very territorial as well, but this is one fish that I have never kept, so I can not honestly tell you yes or no, wait for someone else to post on it or do a search on or something of the sort to see what they recommend.
keep in mind that the more hiding places (live rock nooks and crannys) the more territories you create in the tank, and this can cut down on a lot of territorial behavior, the saying "out of sight out of mind" really says it all.
oki dokey so that leave me with firefish, probable a group of percula clowns and maybe a angel(if i'm lucky!!) and maybe mandarins after a year.

any suggestions you could make instead of some of the fish that have been ruled out.
I think chromis are really cool, so I'd do a small group (3-4) of chromis, a pair of clowns and firefish (or other goby) for starters.

For clownfish, there really isn't much difference b/n the true percs and the ocellaris except the color differentiation where the true perc gets the black in between its stripes. At my lfs, they said that their stock of true percs were showing to be hardier so that's why I went with them.

If you want something like an anemone for your clown to host, you may want to consider a toadstool leather mushroom coral (sarcophyton). Anemones get big and messy and can leave a real mess on your hands if they die. Lots of tank bred clowns don't ever host anything anyway.
Parker is sounding like she knows what she's talking about, she's hitting a lot of points right on, good to see good advice being given on these boards. Jawfish are a great addition, I have a Dusky Jawfish that I LOVE! The only problem that some people have is that Jawfish can be quite timid, and typically take a long time to get used to a tank (just like firefish). I am a pig fan of Rabbit fish, though some of them get pretty big, there is one that is called siganus doliatus and doesn't get very large (up to 8 inches, though rarely seen in the hobby over 6 inches) They feed on algae and are great last additions to a tank, not to be confused with siganus virgatus which has a much smaller number of stripes. Clown gobys are great! I love the little critters, but you must be careful about checking the specimen over carefully before you buy, many of them have a sunken stomache and are near starving when they arrive at stores, much like most mandarins. You may find your Clown Goby in your sump on more than one occasion, but once he gets some growth and figures out his territory in the tank he should stay in the tank for the most part.
Thanks Superman! I have to say I've learned pretty much everything I know right here!

I love my green clown goby! He stays in the rocks enough, but is getting better about coming out more. When I'm spot feeding the corals with a syringe, he'll even come out and take the food right out of the syringe!

Oh, if you get a firefish, I'd recommend that you cover as much of the tank as possible, they can be jumpers!
Excellent that sounds a bit better to start the fishy 3-4 blue reef chromis, couple of percula clowns and the fire fish, lovely!!

I like the look of the Yellow head Jawfish fish, very nice colours!

Am I right in saying that anemones slowly eat away at the live rock? i swear i read it somewhere so if a clown doesn't need thi I would stick with other corals.

I like the clown gobies they look great, I'm well trained in blocking weirs to fish, I'ved had troubles with eels doing it on my FW tank so no worries there.

any tanks that i buy now are built the same as my big tank which has no space to escape and i always use glass sliders.

are there any inverts i can keep other than your usual clean up crew?

last 1 for there a larger fish that could be sort of the center peice of the tank? like the white check tang.

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