Greyhounds make great pets, they dont need much exercise - two twenty minute walks a day will do - they'll do more if you want to though, and they love a run now and again - but they're only made for short bursts contrary to popular belief. They're great temperaments, many wont pull on the lead as they are lead trained for walking round the stadium before a race. Only downside being you cant let them off the lead in somewhere that isn't enclosed, as being sighthounds - their recall can be iffy. Not all - many can be trained out of it - but most will simply chase anything that moves (stray crisp packets being a favourite lol). You could use a training line/lead though - or find an enclosed park or field. Many greys wont be cat/small animal friendly, so if you do decide to go for one and you have small pets, you're best off going to a good greyhound rescue and getting a non-chaser (greyhound retired because it had no chasing instinct for racing) that's been cat tested, or previously homed with cats.
I love greyhounds, they are the perfect dogs - lazy, loving, cuddly (yes, even boney ones LOL), most are good with kids (again if you have them, get a kid tested dog who's been in a foster home). But then they can be nutters when you want them to be too. And, if you ask me, they're the most beautiful breed you can get
Says Lisa with a lurcher (well, she looks like a greyhound!). And yep, lurchers can sometimes be more active than greys as they're crossed with another working breed, usually collie in there somewhere, and we all know how active collies are!
I could give you a few links for good rescues if you like? Tia would be closest, but as far as I know, they dont put their dogs in foster homes, so the kids/cat friendly bit would be a bit hit or miss (if they were fresh in from the track rather than from someone's home). We got Sky from Tia, and she's brilliant with kids, crap with cats though - but there's other rescues who always put their dogs through foster homes first, and test them if they can. Might be a case of waiting for the right dog to find you, but it's worth the wait, believe me