Does it matter what type of paint I use on the OUTSIDE of an aquarium?


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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So I want to color the back of my aquarium black with spray paint and wanted to use some black spray paint we have in our garage. If it matters, it's Krylon ColorMaster.
I know it's probably a dumb question considering it's just on the outside and not on the interior at all but I thought it's one of those "better safe than sorry" type of things...
Should be fine - assume you are not trying to do this with the fish in the tank. I did an empty tank with Plasticote, gave it 48 hours and then added substrate and water.
As long as it’s empty yes it’s fine
I think it would be better to use an oil based paint that's waterproof. Water spills are pretty unavoidable.
Should be fine - assume you are not trying to do this with the fish in the tank. I did an empty tank with Plasticote, gave it 48 hours and then added substrate and water.
Yah it'll be completely empty when I do it.
Sounds good!! Thanks.
I think it would be better to use an oil based paint that's waterproof. Water spills are pretty unavoidable.
This is an indoor/outdoor paint I have, so it should be waterproof or at least water resistant...
And I would make sure that it's a matte or flat. So you don't get an annoying sheen in your tank.
I agree with Sharkweek. Use something matt and waterproof.
Not sure if it's matte or flat, I think it's a gloss... I don't mind too much though. The black backgrounds you buy are glossy anyways...
Plus, it's just cheaper to use what I have on hand rather than buying another paint 😅
Yah it'll be completely empty when I do it.
Sounds good!! Thanks.

This is an indoor/outdoor paint I have, so it should be waterproof or at least water resistant...

Not sure if it's matte or flat, I think it's a gloss... I don't mind too much though. The black backgrounds you buy are glossy anyways...
Plus, it's just cheaper to use what I have on hand rather than buying another paint 😅
Mine was glossy. Until I got annoyed enough with the glare that I took it off, spray painted it with a matte black then put it back.
Mine was glossy. Until I got annoyed enough with the glare that I took it off, spray painted it with a matte black then put it back.
Exactly why I used Plasticote. If it annoys me it should be easy to peel off. So far it hasn't, I did use matte.
I use dollar store acrylic rather than spray paint. If you decide to make a change, it peels off with a razor blade. But I have tanks I painted 20 years ago that still look fine. Spray paint fights back if you decide to do things differently later..
Alright... I looked at the spray paint we have. It's a semi-gloss.
Maybe I should buy some matte spray paint?
I don't want to be actually painting it on. I feel as though it may go on sloppy. Plus it's more expensive
Alright... I looked at the spray paint we have. It's a semi-gloss.
Maybe I should buy some matte spray paint?
I don't want to be actually painting it on. I feel as though it may go on sloppy. Plus it's more expensive
So should I be using the acrylic paints or spray paint? I would rather be using spray paint as I feel it would go on easier but if acrylic is actually easier and works best, I guess I can try to see if my budget will allow it...
So should I be using the acrylic paints or spray paint? I would rather be using spray paint as I feel it would go on easier but if acrylic is actually easier and works best, I guess I can try to see if my budget will allow it...
They actually have acrylic spray paint. I used some on my e board and it worked great. Got it on Amazon. Matte black.
If you're brushing, it doesn't matter, empty or not, just don't get paint inside. With a spay, it's different.

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