Does Anyone Know What This Is


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2009
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this was previously in the new to the hobby section but once most fish where identified there is just one less and it may be a cyprinid

its the large silver at the back and i was wondering a what it is and what fish can go with it in a 70 litre tank when 4 zebra danios and one pleco ?

im a rebeginner with a lot of accidental deaths due to me having just enough knowledge to be dangerous

looking for any suggestions

X thank you X
still no luck iding this fish does now one know what this is i've been on every possible site i could think of.

i even loaded all of fishbase on characins and looked at every SINGLE one ?

i thought he might b a gaint danio or a silvery minnow but im not sure please guys i really need your help :( :sad: :no: :-(
thanks for puttin this post on ere cuz i got 2 of those fish and i aint got a clue what they are either lol, when i brought them i was told they where spanner barbs, but they dont look rite if u kno what i mean,
it is a Rasbora of some kind, exactly which one is gonna be tough to decide on one photo.
it don't matter that much as care for one rasbora is pretty much the same for all. :good:

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