Do you worry about wood tinting your water?

Do you worry about wood tinting your water?

  • Yes, I try to make sure it will not leach any color into my water

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I do not worry about it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only if I have fish that do not like softer acidic water (depending on the fish I have in there)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What choo talkin bout Willis?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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De Plano

Fish Crazy
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
Humboldt County, California, USA
I seem to see A LOT of questions about people trying to do everything they can to make sure the wood they put into their tanks will not affect the water. I have never cared about this, in fact I think most of my fish would preffer for me to get more driftwood in the tank (soaking in pond now, waiting untill it sinks).

I have seen so many questions in fact that I am wondering whether people think it is bad for all fish to be in "murky" water.
Of course it isnt good for hard water fish.

Other than that its pure cosmetics IMO, and most peeps want a tank that is not only healthy, but ornimental. The yellowish tint can make it look sickly to visitors. A large part of this hobby is showing it off to our friends... like a painting I guess.
If I had the luxury of having lots of tanks I probably would welcome the color.. but would want my main display tanks still to be clear :)
I actually add new pieces and use peat in the filter to keep the yellow tinge in the water, i find that the fish that naturally come from blackwater areas show their colours off better when the water is slightly coloured.
well, we don't use driftwood with our bettas but we do use indian almond leaf when we treat our water. some people don't like that it tinges the water yellow but i know the bettas love it ;)
I guess I did vote wrong (in my own poll even! :eek: :*) ). I should have voted "depending on the fish". Since I do not have any hardwater fish I did not think about it. :D

I think a tank looks more natural with the tinge to it, so I guess I think it looks a bit better. I could not expect some of my friends to realise that though, and they might wonder why it looks like I put some tea bags in there :D . But your right, it is a matter of taste, and I have been told I have none! :D

I edited out of my first post the exception of hardwater fish (oops), thanks for pointing that out. Looks like I wasn't too together for this thread :lol:
I actually think a tank looks better with the yellow tinge, than it does completely clear. Just don't think clear looks right somehow.

One of my tanks is tanned and one isnt, both have mango wood in. I soaked for about a week, but one does look like tea, which I am not that keen on, but have dicided it snt that harmful and will reduce over water changes.

Ofc i say it looks like tea, but my friend said it looks lkie somthing that was left in the toilet for too long :crazy: :crazy:
Sanj said:
One of my tanks is tanned and one isnt, both have mango wood in. I soaked for about a week, but one does look like tea, which I am not that keen on, but have dicided it snt that harmful and will reduce over water changes.

Ofc i say it looks like tea, but my friend said it looks lkie somthing that was left in the toilet for too long :crazy: :crazy:

Imagine what people who are not into fish think when they see that tank!


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