Do you know who is.....

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Do you know who Jack Wattley is?

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shmax101 said:
Apparently I've upset the little guy =( Jack Wattley is not some discus breeder.
yet again something rude from you.

and at Cat,

thats what he was saying, that everyone needs to know who he is, so if you think anythings stupid and annoying its him!
But why does he want everyone to know and what right as he got to call people who don't stupid?
Ahh, fishdudein, finally a breath of fresh air. I figured that since people went into a tropical fish forum, they were as interested as I was in learning all that is possible about the hobby. About 2 hours after I got my first tank (freebie from my uncle) I started pouring over information at the library, on the net, anywhere there was articles written about fish. I loved discus from the beginning, but most of the articles you read on them make them seem nearly impossible to raise. Lucky for me there's a breeder right down the road who's been breeding discus in our local water supply for about 30 years. Matter of fact, his discus are as hardy as a goldfish, and you can take em home from his tanks, temp acclimate, and dump them in my tanks, hardness 300+ ppm, ph 7.8 , which would be impossible with many discus. I sold about 20 to a LFS about 2 hours drive from here where their ph was like 6.3, and the goofball working the counter didnt even acclimate them at ALL!! I took the fish in, handed her the bag, then took my son to the bathroom ASAP, and when we came out, the fish were swimming around in their 200 gallon display tank!! I was SO upset! When I got home, i called to see how they did, and to my shock, she said they were already eating and chasing each other around the tank! If you ever wanted to buy discus, he's your man. He advertises in TFH every month, and has for a long time. Bill Deam. Look in the back of TFH and you'll find his number n stuff.
OK then smart arse do you know who Pete Cottle is then?
eh? do ya, do ya?
NO, then shut up and stop calling people stupid!
And for the record, I did not say that anyone was stupid. I just figured that if people were seeking this forum, then they also sought information on their hobby elsewhere, and in doing so, you cant help but read about Jack Wattley, so sue me :D If wrs felt stupid, I apologize, as that was not the intent.

I do learn as much as i can on fishes, but i don't bother memorising names. I have enough of that at school!

I only read the 3 pages to find out what everones favoutire button was

Personally I go for poppers - Got that button look but a velco quick release :D

As for err - I can't remember his name !!! I have no intention of keeping discus so why waste time learning about them - Better spend that time researching the fish I do keep or intend to

Oh everyone must have heard of Mike Swattely - No?

Neither have I - Don't bother with a google search either cos your not gonna find anything :whistle:

Someone one PM a mod and get them to pin this topic - This needs to be kept alive for the good of all fish keepers new and old!!!!

- You never know fish may not respond well to certain button shapes and we need to find out!!!!!
Cheese Specialist said:
Or zips :hey:

My shoes have velcro!! Hurrah!! Cat, what button shape most takes your fancy? I think I'd like ones that look like ladybugs. They'd be cute.
I have some ladybug ones! they were on a thign I had when I was little and I kept them cos they made me laugh...want em? :D

Phantom Thief clearly Jack Whattsit would use buttons shaped like discus.
Poppers are for people who have no coordination. They are drunkards' buttons. :D Hmmm...I think I might get some... :D
he has [had ] his own line of fish food as well .

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