Do you know who is.....

Do you know who Jack Wattley is?

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oh, a discus breeders, oh yes we ALL need to KNOW WHO HE IS, even if we dont have them, or well all be considered stupid by people with far more greater knowledge then us.

Yes even you who have guppies and danios etc need to know who he is.

what BS.
well all be considered stupid by people with far more greater knowledge then us

Huh? Why in the world would I be considered stupid for knowing nothing about something I have no interest in (discus)???
Apparently I've upset the little guy =( Jack Wattley is not some discus breeder. He is the ONE discus breeder that made it possible for us to keep them in our homes today. Without his long years of dedication to the hobby, they would still be limited to wild caught ugly brown/green discus that nobody can afford or keep. wrs apparently is a little hot under the collar :lol: But I digress, this is a forum for all tropicals, not just cichlids, and that makes sense that some of you don't know who he is, but then again, most hobbyists aren't breeders like I am, so the interest may be more limited? No offense wrs, but un-bunch your panties a lil bit, and take a breath...
I'm not even sure how to reply to this, it seems like such a silly topic. When I was scrolling down the index, this was the first thread that I opened up, I had not seen the other one yet. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have taken the time to read the other one anyway, the title was pretty much a dead giveaway that there was going to be a lot of bickering over people's personal preferences. Can we just all remember that just because someone's likes and dislikes are different than yours doesn't mean that they are stupid? Seems kind of pre-school to me.

Anyway, that having been said, there seems to be two schools of thought here, one being that I am only interested in the fish that I currently keep, don't bother me with info on any other fish. The other (that I lean toward) is that if it concerns fish, I'm there.

I have not talked with shmax on this, but judging from his profile and his terminal case of MTS :nod: , I would say that he and I are probably on the same page here. I have a fish book library of my own, frequently check out fish books from the public library, borrow books from the LFS, have subscriptions to most of the major fish magazines, and have many fish sites on my favorites button on the computer. Many of my most interesting fish I have acquired because I read about them first. I just simply crave information on this hobby that I am involved in, knowledge in this case truly is power, the more you know the easier things will be for you. When you do this type of research on aquariums and fish, you can't help but know who Jack Wattley is.

Jack Wattley , in addition to writing several excellent discus books, writes a column for Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine every month. I truly feel sorry for the man in regards to his TFH column, as he has stated time and time again that discus do best in species tanks, and yet every issue he will get a letter from someone asking about tankmates for discus. He is very patient and understanding in his replies and tries to encourage and help as much as he can. I wish I had his patience with people.

For the record, I tried keeping discus, unsuccessfully, in the 1970's, haven't got around to trying them again since. I can see why some don't like them, but my own personal opinion (everybody has an opinion :) ) is that discus are aquarium royalty.
Er... why would I give a crap about who this guy is? I don't even know the names of members of my favourite bands never mind anything else.

Have you been smoking crack or summink?!

I have managed to keep my discus so far without knowing who he is. I think there are more important things to know rather than 'famous' fish people, you know the basics like stocking and requirements etc.


This just seems like a waste of net space to me that could be used for much better things like discussing our favourite button shape or something.
shmax101 said:
Apparently I've upset the little guy =(
What pissed him off was you saying "everyone who's been in the hobby more than a couple of weeks knows who he is", this implied that we are all thick.

Buttons...hmmm...round ones are easier to do up, but flower shaped ones look cooler. we need a button poll. :D
ohhhh have you seen the pretty star ones that have actual glitter in them!!!!! they look so coool, i could go clubbin in them and be the life of the party!!!! :fun:
Ha ha!! :lol:

I feel like the space is being better fulfilled now. Tell you what, pm me your favourites and I'll make a poll!!

lol, flowers, stars (with glitter, of course) and I've always been partial to chocolate ones but for this it has to be the strange ones on duffel coats that look like horns.

my mum did becky a pram suit when she was born... it had little prams for buttons!!!!!

soooooooooooooo cute :D

and the bunny ones, have you seen them??? awwww :wub:
wrs said:
Yes even you who have guppies and danios etc need to know who he is.

what BS.
Stupid :grr:

You sure know how to annoy people.
I dig on the shiney brass ones that you have to polish. :nod:

Sometimes I don't like buttons at all. Velcro. When quick release is needed. :whistle:

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