Do You Ever Get Fed Up With Cleaning Your Tank?

Yeahh, it gets too much for me sometimes too. Especially when I'm spilling all over the place and having to suck tubes to siphon. A mouth full of tank water doesn't usually go down well...

It is easy to not have to do the sucking just full the whole syphon with water in the tank and then block the end you will be putting into a bucket/sink and then make sure that once that end is out you have sealed it with your thumb. Then place it at a lower level that the head still inside the tank and let it run and it will go without you having to suck on it :3
Sometimes it's a chore, but usually isn't. We have a hose to both clean up the poo and take water away and fill it up, too. All our plants are real so there is no scrubbing problem, we have to do some "gardening" of course! And there usually are little pieces of plants flowing around that have to be taken away but that is a part of keeping fish. :D
I have 29 tanks in total.
Maintenance isnt to bad,as long as you havent got problems with Algae etc.
Most of my tanks are sponge filters but about 10 have internal filters and powerheads.I just look at the water output on the internals and service/maintain them when needed,Tanks are cleaned every other week,But i do water changes daily and use a gravel cleaner when doing the water changes,so take most waste away.

My Zeb tank has an Eheim 3E 2078 on it,this needs cleaning every 6-9 months.Just press the service button on it and count how many months untill it needs servicing

I dont find any of it a chore,find it quite relaxing
I'm not even a college student (I should be, but getting into the college I want isn't going to be easy). I'd rather work to be honest, if only finding jobs here was not this hard. Everyone's firing, and who is hiring is expecting some pros. What about us newbs? -.-
Yeahh, it's terrible. I've been turned down for so many jobs because they want experience. I've just decided now that I can't be bothered ahah. I might try for one in the summer and when I go to uni but for now I'll wait :fun:

It is easy to not have to do the sucking just full the whole syphon with water in the tank and then block the end you will be putting into a bucket/sink and then make sure that once that end is out you have sealed it with your thumb. Then place it at a lower level that the head still inside the tank and let it run and it will go without you having to suck on it :3
I'll try that next time :) Seems like a bit of a fiddle and disturbance though having to put it all under water :)

I have 29 tanks in total.
Wait... 29?!
Yes 29.

I have a dedicated

I hope you're retired to have the time for that ahahh.
Link to a journal or some photos or something? can't be bothered finding them myself ahahh :)
When it comes to this hobby the best purchase I have ever made next to my ehiem filter was a water change unit. It turned my wc's from two hours into 14 mins, with no mess to clean up after. Here is a time lapsed vid I made of the unit in action...

When it comes to this hobby the best purchase I have ever made next to my ehiem filter was a water change unit. It turned my wc's from two hours into 14 mins, with no mess to clean up after. Here is a time lapsed vid I made of the unit in action...

Just had a quick look on eBay and can't find a "water change unit", is that what they're called?
Aquenon water change unit. They are available on US ebay and you'll have to pay for shipping to the uk. However, turning 2hours into 15 minutes is near priceless. I thought it was a little pricey but then I calculated it this way: 2 hours a week x 52+ water changes a year = 4+days a year doing water changes?

Shipping would cost about £20-30 depending on the size you buy but once you get it you'll either amused or confused as to why you didn't get one sooner.
Very neat Primous, a little searching does find them in the UK - so how do you dechlor your water each time? Thanks. Seems a bit silly for my 48L lol but I am planning an upgrade soon.
Really? Thats great news though when I did my search which as about a year ago here wasn't any. Though with that said there is one particular website that is basically import company of aquatic goods. They have no contact number and I've heard some bad things about them so from hobbyist to hobbyist beware lol

As for the change I empty 50%, refill 50%, add dechlor, wait 5 mins and then turn the filter back on.
27 tanks !!! OMG !!!

Do you have pictures , id like to see them ?

i want more tanks but my wife says no :angry:

There are actually 29,as i replaced a 4ft witha 2ft and 2 x 18x12x12's

This is the plec/cory rack,from when i was building the shed
Room is heated to 26.5 degrees,some tanks have heaters,most use the room temp to stay at the right temp.


Each shelf has 1 x 3ftx18x10",1x 2ftx18x10" and 2x 18x12x10's,4 shelves so 16 tanks on that side.
Tank are onl 10" as they are all bottom dwellers,had all the tanks custom made,by using 10" tanks i managed to get 4 shelves of them rather than 3.Theres a 6" gap above them,and are all lit by Led module lights.

Other rack has

1x 48x15x15
2 24x15x15
1 x 24x18x10
3x 18x10x10
3x 18x12x12
and 2 x 24x18x18 discus breeding tanks
Whaaaaat, this needs doing when I'm older and I have the money! :hyper:

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