Do you euthanize fish? How do you do it?


U wanna get some clove oil and a small bottle of water and something to put ur fish and water into, then u get the bottle of water and mix lots of clove oil about 5% of clove oil should do then shake it till it goes cloudy and then pour it into the container of water that the fish u wanna kill is in and it should go to sleep.

I think this is the only acceptable method of killing sich fish is.

FREEZING IS CRUEL HOW WOULD U FEEL IF I PUT U IN A FREEZER, ACTUALY GO AND GET IN A FREEZER FOR AN HOUR OR SO WITHOUT CLOTHS. evan we find that painfull and cold and we can regulate out bodfdy temp but fish can't.
psgill00 said:
Could any of you people do it I DO NOT THINK SO.
Yadda yadda, yes you are great, we are not worthy. How would you know what the other 5500+ members of this board could do? Calm it with the generalisations.

You need to study harder if you think a screwdriver through the eye is the most humane way to euthanise a fish. It doesn't take a genius.

Oh, and IMO farmers are certainly not the most humane of people. More the opposite actually, animals are a simple commodity to them to be bought, sold and ate. I have seen how animals are slaughtered never mind anything else so I do not expect any compassion in any situation.
you guys are surprisingly mental and evil lol
OATA (ornamental aquatic trade asosciation) guide lines state that the ONLY way to humanely put a fish down is by using clove oil as in the above post. i personally dont like this as you watch the fish swimming round prefered method is to take the fish straight from the tank in a net, take it quickly ouside and hit it against a wall with considerable force so as to kill it in one hit. atleast then its hopefully dead before it knows whats going on. short sharp and to the point
ummmmmmm dunno what to say :/ this is 1 really sick and twisted topic -_-

its cruel to kill a fish and its cruel 2 let it sufer

thats 1 of those topics that will never be resolved :( as different people have different views

its kinda a taboo subject that really is best kept behind closed doors
I agree with Richard totally on this.Exept if it's cruel to kill a fish and cruel to let it suffer... then what to we do? I mean there has to be something to do.
:sad: It breaks my heart to see a fish in pain, but I don't have the courage to euthanize any of my fish! I prefer to let them die in peace and in their familar surroundings of their tank. If the other fish are nipping at the weak one I move it to a breeder net and shut off the light. That's just my opinion though! ;)
psgill00 said:
I am sorry that people fell so vehimently about the way in which a dying and suffering fish should be put down.

A quick and simple method like CFC is the best,

Yeah I said A scredriver to the head, cut of its head with a pair of scissors or a towel and mash with 1 blow.

I have done Veterinary Nursing and Animal husbandary, My Mum And Gran Come from Very Big Farming families and have dealt with Euthanizing animals when very young as I have.

If you can't put a fish down Humanely, THen Why Keep any Pets at all. It is something that you at 1 time will have to do.

I have had to put down animals My-self and I have done it quickly and hope that the Animal/s have not felt any lingering Pain.

I have Euthanized Kittens, After its mother Fell Down the Stairs, A few Days before giving Birth. That was not an Easy Thing to Do, Imagine if you could. All you very very Over Quemish Keepers. Putting them to down while they were in the Womb Sac. THis was when i wa doing Veterinary Nursing.

Could any of you people do it I DO NOT THINK SO.

SO saying that Mine and other Methods were not being a nice keeper - IS wrong.

Ok Here is an example of a situation - Person brings in a hedgehog they hit while reversing out of their drive. Take 1 look at and it intenstines are hanging out of it.
It is in alot of pain and Surgery was not an option. So you Guys would have let it die a Natural Death.

Plain and simple - A needle and it slips away without any Pain.

Pigeon - Broken Wings and Feet, Beek almost gone. Plain and Simple Snap its Neck. Quick and Clean and least pain.

Now people Please Don;'t Jump down Someones Neck - If you can't take the Tough Decision's when they Need to be made. then Don't Put yourself in that situation,
Don't keep Fish.

If this post Offends anyone, then so be it. Its just some Hard Truth.
well said !!!!!
Guppylover said:
I agree with Richard totally on this.Exept if it's cruel to kill a fish and cruel to let it suffer... then what to we do? I mean there has to be something to do.
what i ment was this

to some people its cruel 2 kill a fish
to others its cruel to let it sufer

different people have ways of dealing with these things and what some people find is the best is killing it and others find this offencive. Others cant bring themselves to kill a fish and in doing this other people find that offencive and cruel.

it`s a typical "catch 22" situation there is never going to be a method of dealing with a problem like this that people wont find cruel in 1 way or another.

and thats the reason why i said about it being a kinda taboo subject thats best kept behind closed doors.

As people that kill the fish arnt going to stop and people that leave the fish to die on its own arnt going to stop doing that either.

So its best in the long run for people to do what they do and personaly i think it should be kept to themselves as unfortuanatly topics like these seem to just create bad feelings and arguements over what is right and wrong!!!!!!

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