Do You Eat Fish?

Just reading the title of this thread made me hungry. I'm terrible! :no:

I love eating fish - sea bass, catfish (whoops occasionally) and leather jackets. Used to love salmon and cod but I've been eating too much of it, it's starting to taste rather fishy.. :sick:
I love smoked salmon, hot or cold smoke both are delicious caked in dill. Yum yum.
I've tried king crab and lobster too, both were really tasty.
I caught my own tea when i visited my dad in norway yummy pollock, should have been poached though, not thrown in soup. Also like mackeral very oily, lovely. So yeah i like a variety haha.
No, I don't.

The methods of fishing are destructive to the marine environment, that's probably reason enough.

Do they drown cows, (etc.)? Yet taking a living creature out of water so that it's breathing apparatus can no longer function, (gills need the support of water around them to remain in the extended state), thus sufforcating it, is acceptable?

Fish taste crap.

I could go on, but what's the point? Threads like this are invariably posted to "get a rise" out of people.
Lateral Line i feel you are making quite an obvious attack on all those who eat fish. It's not your right to make all those who eat fish feel guilty. Others on this thread who don't eat fish simply said no.
You've just caused myself to feel immense guilt, maybe if you had been more diplomatic you wouldn't have done so. Maybe it's just me, but i doubt it.
I catch my own fish. The rare time that I do eat fish from another source, I avoid eating it if it's farmed or if it isn't harvested in an ethical way. I also avoid eating fish whose numbers are on the decline.
I catch my own fish. The rare time that I do eat fish from another source, I avoid eating it if it's farmed or if it isn't harvested in an ethical way. I also avoid eating fish whose numbers are on the decline.
Yes.. I eat fish.. I love fish especially their eyes.. Very delicious.
I only eat fish under suferance, I have never been a huge fan of eating seafood. And considering that now days health officals are saying to limit fish/ seafood intake to twice a week because so many places are heavily contaminated with murcery I'm glad I haven't been maddly eating all manner of things found in water :nod: .

When ever my Mum used to put a tin of tuna into the shopping trolley I used to sort of quietly say... "you shouldn't eat dolphin". I would make er cringe everytime :lol: .
See what I mean.
humm, caused by your comments. no fault of the thread.

And fishing for fish keeping reasons isn't just as unethical and doesn't harm fish?

well put. :good:

on topic. I'm no fan of freshwater fish. but most sea fish are fine. I do tend to avoid tuna though.
not really keen on any invert, but a few cockles go down now and then

as for Pangasius :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:. we have a chippy here that regularly rips us off with this rubbish. its the vile after taste that give it away.

I am attacking nobody, I posted a couple of justifications for my response, I could of added many more. They are added to make people think, made you think didn't it?


What is the point of a thread/discussion/etc. if it does not enable people to do so?

Ace Of Spades...

Not what the thread is about, would have been off topic.
My love for fish turns me off of the sight of cooked fish D:

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