Hey!!!! It just dawned on me while reading the first line of MD's link....Petco scarred my rabbit! Of course I was aware of this beforehand but I didn't add it up with this thread until just now.
It was way back when we first got Rabbie, the first day. I brought him home and he scratched Tuesday (accidently of course!) so I brought him to Petco to have his nails trimmed because he was so tiny, I was scared to do it. The chick made one of his toes bleed and put corn starch on it. 6 months later I noticed one of his toes (while I was cutting them!) is growing funny, the pink tender area has grown to the tip and it looks weird and possibly like it will cause us future problems. It's the same toe that *choice word inserted here* clipped wrong!
So...how does one person change the world? I don't say that with sarcasm by any means. I've been fighting a year long battle with Wal-Mart and I grew tired of it about a month or two ago. I've tried endlessly to at least get them to care for their tanks and for the bettas. Change their water for crying out loud. I seriously believe (and from what my eyes have seen can almost certainly say is true) that they get the bettas in and immediately display them. There they sit without water changes or food until they are either sold or die, then they are merely replaced.
After my last public outburst,I boycotted the store and stormed out in front of the manager. I was so very pissed that I found MORE dead/dying bettas after I was JUST in there the previous week complaining (which takes a good 30 minutes!) They know who I am when they see me, they know what I'm there for...yet they refuse to change a damn thing.
I didn't go in for almost 2 months, until last week. My lfs was closed on Sunday and I HAD to get some dechlorinator so I ran in for a tiny bottle. The bettas were a filthy mess in their tiny cups, I was in a hurry. I got to the lawn and garden check out and the cashier remembered me (I was so mad that day I made myself memorable). She said "Hey, remember that thing with the fish?' and I just shot her a look and said "I remember, I wouldn't be in here right now if it wasn't an emergency."
And she said the manager replaced that departments staff and emptied all the tanks and started over. I cringed and said "I hope he didn't crash the tanks

....but I just saw the bettas and they looked like crap!"
So today it was raining and I really,really had to do some grocery shopping. I decided I'd go to Wal-Mart (much to the amazement of my daughter who kept saying "don't you hate walmart,mom?") The tanks looked good. But the bettas looked terrible. The department manager was over in an aisle stocking dog food, I just stood there for a minute and walked away. I've dealt with him before and I know it will just fall on deaf ears so screw it. I hate that it's beaten me down like this, I didn't want to change the world, I just wanted to change one store
I've tried calling local authorities, talking to animal organizations, I just get transferred here and there,then a voicemail and bleh..
Pardon my ramble but maybe you can give me some advice on the matter. It's easy for all of us to sit at our computers and say what's bad but HOW do we change it, how do you make people care?