do we really NEED another reason...

ok-im sure there are about 5 good petcos out there but that doenst change the fact that there are so many that have had animal abuse claims and lawsuits filed against them. as far as i know there arent entire websites devoted to the cruelty practiced in other pet stores because there are no other pet stores that are sued as much or treat animals as awfully as petco does (in general)

you still dont know what goes on in the back of the store. 25% of the abuse claims were from petco employees
the employees see what goes on in the back of the store. you dont.
and you that I dont see what goes on in the back of the stores? For all you know I could...

I just looked at the site for the second time and saw the article on Marshall Farms. That's awful! I can't believe people can get away with such things. See my sig and you'll see how I feel about animals.

I don't shop at Petco and probably never will . . . especially after reading about one of their suppliers.

I think it's cool that you believe so strongly in this cause.
Hi jacblades :)

I seldom shop at Petco because their selection of fish does not usually include ones that I am looking for. The times I have visited, it appeared clean and in order. Over the years I have seen many stores that have been worse. :nod:

The link in your signature belongs to PETA. I must tell you that they have ruined their credibility with me and with many other people who would ordinarily support their cause. Their use of terrorist tactics to intimidate people from patronizing furriers is way out of line, IMO. :eek:
You say we don't see what goes on back there... but you don't either! That whole site could just be a bunch of bs and you would never know. Most of those claims about hamsters in the freezer are the same claims I read in 1999. I'm sure petco has improved it's conditions since then.

Nothing anyone is saying is good enough for you. Unless we all say "Ok, we will never shop there again, scouts honor" your not going to be happy.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a local pet/fish store and Petco or Petsmart is their only option.

Just because you saw a website doesn't mean all petcos are bad, just like you said: You don't see what's going on back there so you don't know if it's pet heaven or pet hell. Unless you've worked at a petco and seen abuse or have visited every petco in the country, I don't see how you have room to judge the chain as a whole.
My petco isn't too bad, sure there are tanks with some dead fish, but most stores are like that. Their selection sucks, all common boring fish, which I don't care for (see sig pic, and go, What the heck is that???) but the last four, (and only 4) bettas I've gotten from them have been my healthiest yet...Wait, I forgot my females, which were kept in a large tank instead of cups and were still less healthy than the males, one lived out of 2. I just got 2 new bettas and four ADFs from there, and they are all very heathy with just some ragged fins, which will heal. Not the best petstore, but they try.
no-i wont be happy until petco changes their policies. you can shop there if you want. i cant stop you. (maybe their high prices might though... :sly: ) i have strong morals and do not want to support such cruelty so i dont shop there. its just that so many people dont know about how bad petco is and if they did (well some of them...), they would stop supporting such atrocities.

just so you konw inchworm-peta never hurts PEOPLE. peta hurts institutions (buildings) where animals are tortured. and when i say peta, i mean a few members of peta. the organization does not promote blowing up buildings but a few members do. thats like saying all muslims are evil because osama bin laden is evil.

PETA cares for animals and while i dont believe in everything they do-i will still promote and support them because they are the major npo that is fighting animal abuse around the globe.

yeah-i saw your sig ry-thats one of my favorite quotes:) so true too:)
jacblades said:
...just so you know inchworm-peta never hurts PEOPLE. peta hurts institutions (buildings) where animals are tortured. and when i say peta, i mean a few members of peta. the organization does not promote blowing up buildings but a few members do. thats like saying all muslims are evil because osama bin laden is evil.
Hi jacblades :)

Ewww. That's even worse than I was aware of. :hyper:

I was actually referring to a series of incidents that I was aware of personally. In this case, threats were made and damage was done to a small shopping center where I was employed. They were made against a very kindly old gentleman who ran a fur cleaning and storage business, but everyone in the area was afraid. I'm sure this old man never had any live animals on the premises, (except for his equally ancient toy poodle) and the buildings were not even owned by him. We all suffered because of a few crackpot fanatics.

PETA does condone this kind of actions.
Not stating my opinion on individual stores, but thought this was interesting, given the discussion at hand....
jacblades said:
no they dont.
PETA condones protests, not violence.
Hi jacblades :)

What is the difference between them? At what point do they draw the line and say things are going too far? :dunno:
OMG, Jascs you are too funny. So if they blow up buildings because of animal abuse taking place there the animals die and so do people in there. I would never support a group like that. Just because you and some other people dont like that they do some things to animals doesnt mean they will stop selling them. One person and a bunch of lunies( not saying all PETA people are. just the ones that use terrorist motives )will not stop them from selling animals. Its a waste of time hen nothing will come out of it.

Oh and if you think that Petco is so bad and you see some nice healthy bettas and you dont buy them and you let them stay there and get sick and then get "killed" by people, if that really happens, is horribe. You could save those bettas, like that rare one posts back and you dont...Oh well then because you know what's going to happen to them and you just say nope not saving them because I dont want to support such a horride place, is just as the same as killing them. And dont say no its not because YOU KNOW whats going to happen to them and you let it happen. Buy not buying them they just stay there and that also contributes to bad conditions in the stores that dont care. So either way you dont buy them to support such a "horrible place" and they die, or you buy them and you think its supports them. When they will still sell live animals, no matter what you. What if you want to say that the stores are so horrible, Ill have to say your so horrible for not saving the animals and letting them suffer. And isnt that what your all about? Saving them?

Boycotting them will do NOTHING! One person isnt going to make them stop when others will still buy from them.
my petco does not have dead animals on display, they are not kept in cramped places, there are VERY few, if any, dead fish in there tanks, the rodents they sell are not eating eachother, sick, bloody, or anything. the only bad thing about the petco near me, is the little choice of pets that they have. the workers there are helpful, and friendly. i'm sorry that your petco is abusive, but the people here are not like that, and i personally don't think that they should suffer because of people being idiots in other parts of U.S. :no:
petco is good on the fish i buy. Plus i only buy community fish. Also i buy petco treatments and cool tank displays.

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