Do Not Trust Your Gps

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
Being on leave, (with plenty time on hand)... I said to my wife that I'll follow the road indicated by my GPS on our trip to visit my son in Lime Acres, some 911km away.....

This is what happened.......



In the end,... we did almost 200km of dirt road... and the total distance recorded was 25km further than the road we normally use....

Never trust your GPS to work out the shortest route between 2 points!
my gps took us 20 miles the opposite direction before turning us is currently laying in some field off the A239 :lol:
Our SAT Nav has rarely steered us wrong. We keep it updated and make sure it's on 'fastest route' and not 'shortest distance'. Made that mistake before on the way home from southern england and instead of keeping on the motor way we drove through the centre of Birmingham! Because technically it was shorter lol.

There was one time though when we were in cornwall where we went down some glorified 'paths' that were apparently roads and technically were the fastest route cause they had a 60mph speed limit! :lol:
:lol: That is why I don't use GPS. Sister uses it all the time, and gets lost. Then calls me to navigate. :lol: Thank goodness I am very good with directions.
I still go low tech, been using maps for a long time. A couple years back I went up to the Auction in Milwaukee, the guy driving was intent on using his spiffy new GPS toy. It got us to the auction, no problem. It got us to a local shop he wanted to check out as well.

The route home from this shop took us through one of the roughest areas of Milwaukee, they need a setting for avoid dangerous neighborhoods on those things. He was freaking out, I just told him you got us here with your toy, ask it how to get us out.
I still go low tech, been using maps for a long time. A couple years back I went up to the Auction in Milwaukee, the guy driving was intent on using his spiffy new GPS toy. It got us to the auction, no problem. It got us to a local shop he wanted to check out as well.

The route home from this shop took us through one of the roughest areas of Milwaukee, they need a setting for avoid dangerous neighborhoods on those things. He was freaking out, I just told him you got us here with your toy, ask it how to get us out.

i aggree
my gps took us 20 miles the opposite direction before turning us is currently laying in some field off the A239 :lol:

Not anymore it's not!

Mine has been rather reliable and does quite well I've had it drive me from Budapest to Cortina and all over the UK and even Serbia and it worked fine! My garmin has done well for me.
Mine always worked fine. I lent it to someone and they ended up 30 miles away from their destination. I think some people don't know how to use them.
Mine always tries to put me on the M25. Even when I'm nowhere NEAR the M25. Heck! I could be in the middle of Siberia and the damned thing would try and route me via the M25...


we only use gps for when we are climbing. my dad won't use one in the car. :good:

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