Do I Kill It

Then it might be a tumor in the intestines that's blocking the fish. In which case idk, up to you what you do to it.
I'm not one for death, considering all the double standards even to humans (you can beg in torture and no one will give you the right to die, at least not in my country).
Then it might be a tumor in the intestines that's blocking the fish. In which case idk, up to you what you do to it.
I'm not one for death, considering all the double standards even to humans (you can beg in torture and no one will give you the right to die, at least not in my country).

Feel really really sad today . The wee guy started to struggle over the last couple of days. I finally put him out of his misery. I took and wrapped him up in kitchen towel and thumped it over the head..... OMG I can't believe I did it. Had to throw out the wooden basting brush I used to do it as It it was too much of a reminder .......... :-(
Then it might be a tumor in the intestines that's blocking the fish. In which case idk, up to you what you do to it.
I'm not one for death, considering all the double standards even to humans (you can beg in torture and no one will give you the right to die, at least not in my country).

Feel really really sad today . The wee guy started to struggle over the last couple of days. I finally put him out of his misery. I took and wrapped him up in kitchen towel and thumped it over the head..... OMG I can't believe I did it. Had to throw out the wooden basting brush I used to do it as It it was too much of a reminder .......... :-(
Sorry for your loss. Must've been some tumor that was growing and blocking him then.
I can't kill anything except flies / fly larvae and roaches. So I wouldn't be able to do anything if I had a problem like that with a fish, except separate it and give it as much silence and peace as possible.
Don't feel bad. Having pets come with the responsibility to take care of them properly. You did the best thing.
Yeah it was a bit upsetting first time I had to euthanize a fish but when you think about it, it was better off for the Danio to simply not suffer.

I know it's a bit late now but first thing I saw was not a ballon-belly guppy but a very bloated gold longfin Danio
(like this:,r:3,s:0,i:73 )

As FishFanatic04 said, having pets comes with a responsibility and whether you had a sick horse or a bloated fish, if putting it down quickly and quietly is the best thing you can do for it, then that's that. Next time won't be much easier (disease is almost inevitable for fish tanks at some point) since you get attached to the little beggers but try to think about it rationally :)
Thanks very much for your kind words It seems a bit silly over a fish, but I do get attached to all my animals and it doesn't get any easier when faced with the decision to put it out of its misery. Had to do it with an old cat I had years ago ... Got it cremated and scattered its ashes over a very peaceful place .. Had it 17 years so thought it deserved it.... Don't think I would go to that extreme though with ma fish.........

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