Do i have 2 blue acaras?

Dec 18, 2004
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Hey all,
I have 2 Blue Acaras one is a female which i got 8 months ago (she is now about 5" long), about 2 weeks ago she laid eggs all over this rock about 200-300 of them and i didnt have a male in her tank but i did have an oscar. Later that day i went to the fish store and asked if they had any male Blue Acaras so they showed me to their cichlid tank and said "here is a male he is only about 10cm though" I bought him and was on my way home hpoing that next time she laid eggs he would fertilise them.

But anyway the one that i think is a male has the longer top and anal fins like typical males. He is different from the female because he has more of a brown colour and a bit more pale with a broght orange thin line on top of his top fin.

My female is a bluey colour and is much darker, that is her in my avatar when she was younger. She also has the irradescent blue flecks on her cheek, fins, and face. Where the male has the blue line on his top fin she has a fluro blue one??? and she also has yellow lines running horisontally on her body. Both of my Blue Acaras have purplish fins at the ends.

Are they both blue acaras? Did i do the right thing in buying a male to breed with even though he is smaller? also the oscar has been taken out and moved on to a different tank.

Cheers fopr the help.
Orange lines?????? DUDE U GOT A GREEN TERROR!!!
Good news = you have one hell of a fish and you got it for a blue acara price and it is also a male if its fins are pointed as well, these fish can breed but the babies are worthless seeing as they will be hybrids.
Bad new = If the green terror does not pair up with the acara it will kill the oscar and most of the other tank mates, they get to about 14" and need to be with other larger agressive cichlids.
So well done and nad luck on the pick up :)

PS: If you choose to take this fish back (witch is the smart thing to do) and go looking for a male blue acara look for top long pointed fins and lower longer pointed fins, that will tell you its a male, with females look at your one and you will see its fins are rounded and not pointed.


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