do chicks dig your fish tank?

Any guy or girl I date had better dig my tanks. They're going to be hearing about them aaaall the time :rofl:
I can't imagine anyone who isn't obsessed with fish trying to tolerate living with me...
I deffinately feel the same way as Synirr. Any woman I date has to love fish and dogs, or it just isn't going to work.
My bf loves my tanks, especially the marine one, he sits there staring at it for ages :lol: Weird guy!! He doesn't understand my need to have little betta bowls and tanks scattered around the house though, but he'll learn to love it :lol:

Im lucky that he's into fish anyway, and its his fault i started up my first FW tank! :D
It should be an interesting experiment. I just bought a 90 gallon tank and I'm in the process of setting it up. I have that on one end of the room and then on the other end I have the my TV. It's a 90" widescreen HD projector screen with the projector sitting on the coffee table. That has gotten all the attention up till now so I'm wondering what will happen once the tank is set up...
my g/f dun really seem to care bout it. if i get a new fish i go 'so do u like my new fish?' and shes like 'ye its nice' without even looking at it :grr: i think she tries to forget bout the fact that i love fish, even tho i spend most of my money on her :*)
RabidChild said:
It should be an interesting experiment. I just bought a 90 gallon tank and I'm in the process of setting it up. I have that on one end of the room and then on the other end I have the my TV. It's a 90" widescreen HD projector screen with the projector sitting on the coffee table. That has gotten all the attention up till now so I'm wondering what will happen once the tank is set up...

Ypu'll have to let us know how that one works out! I know I've barely watched tv in the past few weeks since my tank was up and running again.

Although, that's probably becuase I spend more time here too!
:D :*)
RabidChild said:
It should be an interesting experiment. I just bought a 90 gallon tank and I'm in the process of setting it up. I have that on one end of the room and then on the other end I have the my TV. It's a 90" widescreen HD projector screen with the projector sitting on the coffee table. That has gotten all the attention up till now so I'm wondering what will happen once the tank is set up...

Ypu'll have to let us know how that one works out! I know I've barely watched tv in the past few weeks since my tank was up and running again.

Although, that's probably becuase I spend more time here too!
:D :*)
All the 3 gals (wifey and 2 daughters) in my house like it :) They just wont help me clean it :p
I find that visitors are impressed with my tanks and ooooooh and aaaaaaah over them, I am the only person who lives in this house who cleans the tanks and feeds the fish, my fiance likes them but doesn't do anything except occassionally look at them :/

*Wonders if it would be good boyfriend picking up material to have a tank, lol.

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