do chicks dig your fish tank?

Synirr said:
Edit: I think maybe girls are just impressed by the fact that you guys can actually maintain and take good care of something, lol. I know a lot of my male friends are pretty much incapable of that :rolleyes:

I agree! My hubbie thinks the tanks are cool and loves having our cats too, but has shown absolutely no interest in feeding let alone cleaning!

I think we may have spoiled the guys thread a little with all these female posts. They can't pass their secret pulling tips with us listening in!
My girlfriend just says... so what its fish tank filled with stupid fish :dunno:

Though everytime she's over she slways spends a few minutes looking at it, before wanting to terrorise the little guys by tapping the glass.

She'll love them one day :)
well, this chick came up to me and asked what it like and then i mentioned a tropical fish and that i have a tank, and she wanted me to bring in pics.
Uhm well I don't have "chicks" as I guess I'm what you call a "chick" myself ;)
My boyfriend pays little interest to my fish (sadly) but then I don't "oooh & ahhhh" over his motorbikes. Most of his attention is lavished on me, so I don't mind too much :p

I have to say, when I was still on the dating scene - any guy with an animal or fish definitely had a slight advantage ! :lol:
Though that (unfortunately) didn't always mean that "man with animal" = "nice man" :sad:
Everyone likes my tanks ;) I try to get fish that will intrest my boyfriend too. Oddly he's not impressed with the jd, oscar, or clown knives....He likes the electric blues, peacocks (I've only got one but will have more with the tank upgrades), violet gobies, clown loaches, bichirs, and mollies. He thinks my albino plec is pretty neat too.

The lady I work for said that fish don't interact with you so I was in a petshop that has a large rtc and left her sitting by that (my original intent was to take her through the store with me but it was to cluttered to get her wheelchair through). She was impressed by how aware that fish was.
My girlfriend HATES my tanks. She can't stand how much money and time I spend messing with them! She complains that I spend more money on my tanks than i have on jewlery for her....P.I.T.A!!!!
haha good replies folks.

btw ladies, as a guy, i can say that any girl that has a nice tank is a definate PLUS.
Lol funny story right there. My dad's friend got a divorse about 4 years ago and it FINALY went threw a little over a year ago. He remarried and my dad invited him and his new family over for a BBQ. His new stepdaughter is a year younger than me and was as prepy as can be. She didn't have a thing for me for the first 2 weeks but then I got into fishkeeping and she came over again for dinner. She notice the tank and I explained it to here to the extent of my knowledge. BAM she was falling head over heals for me :) I'm thinking about dating her but who am I going to have fun with on the weekends?
"chicks digging your tanks" you sound like some throwback from the 70's :rofl:

Wait a minute.... your not huggy bear are you? :/
Amber said:
"chicks digging your tanks" you sound like some throwback from the 70's :rofl:

Wait a minute.... your not huggy bear are you? :/

haha perhaps that isnt current lingo in the UK.....
"o. theyre so cute"
all i can say is my severum is a chick magnet. every time i have a girl over they go over to the tank and he swims right up.

" DID YOU SEE THAT?" haha. every time
I'm a girl, and I nobody seems to 'dig' my tank :( I like to think my boyfriend is secretly proud of it...but he shows no interest whatsoever (except to learn the basics of a water change in the event that I'm ill or in hospital!). I do think its better than he ever imagined it to be though.

My friends I've had over so far...mostly female, don't seem to interested. They're like "that's nice" and then show more interest in the telly. :( And all the work I put in....I guess the main thing is I love it :)
Guess I'm lucky... I LOVE my tanks! Then again, I'm also female... but my fiance loves the fish too. Actually, since I'm into his car hobby it's only fair that he be in the fish hobby. The be painfully honest, he started the betta bug that seemed to overwhelm our place. Should've known MTS would've been coming along... after the Star Trek models that took over all surfaces... car models... electronics... :lol:

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