Dived Straight In With The Orca Tl550

:hyper: i did it over 3 hourz
the corals look dead
hope you like
will get more btw not finished product
nice coraline algae growing also u know anything about purple up? :good:

pics coming soon hard to work...
i am addicted to it now!!!!!

feather dusters every where!!!!!!

do u know if the boyu skimmer is much worse than the v2 nano skimmer? my one at the mo seems pathetic but thats coz its broken will it be affective when the new one arrives? :crazy:
skimmers take days sometimes a week to bed down and work correctly sometimes, i wouldnt give up on it yet. ideally the bubbles should come to about 1/3rd up the neck.
Purpleup is an Alk and Calc suppliment essentialy. In marine, you don't want to add any suppliments for a level you cannot test for, as it can and often will lead to a tank crask before long. There are cheaper alternatives to Purpleup also :good:
oh ok thanks guys!

i really want blue leds
does it let algae grow coz i dont want them to if i get them and i would like them on all the time the others are off is this ok?
also i have the lights on 12 hours a day but the person before had them on for 4 due to algea growth i got rowaphos thing and carbon now so it should be ok?
If Purpleup is fairly pure it should not caurse other algeas to grow. For what it is though, it's a rip off. Do not use it unless you have a Magnesium, Alkalinity and Calsium test kit and are going to monitor those levels regularly or you will hit trouble with it...

12 hours is a lot of light. 8-10 hours is usualy recomended with corals in there :good:

All the best
will turn down my hours of light then, had them on for 16 hours last night

ok been a week saw a nitrate spike can i get a shimp now ......m please? lol
Its been 4 days. You need to make sure any spikes are out of the way and that there will be no more.

Keep it slow and don't rush, do a water change towards the end of the week and wait another day or so make sure llevels ok.
i just bought a hydor korriallia nano thing coz apparently there the best but trying to put the ball thing in the magnet was dificult and snapped part of it :angry: but glued and sealed so all good in few days. i was going to ask are there any good but cheap other makes coz i think i need another but dont want to spend the cash!!!!!
also are suction cups ok to attach a cheap one coz in my book it said magnets are the best which ive got already, just wondering coz i dont want it crushing down and harming my potential corals!
Is your repair on a moving part? If so, there will be probelms with it. It will put the weight off center and caurse the impeller to fail within a few days IME :sad: Realy, the snapped part needs replacing if it is a moving part of the pump :nod:
thanks rabbut no its just the part that attaches the unit to the magnet, dad owns vaccum forming business used a two part solution to stick it like rock, i think he could make an acrylic custom made tank for me, is acrylic any good
thanks rabbut no its just the part that attaches the unit to the magnet, dad owns vaccum forming business used a two part solution to stick it like rock, i think he could make an acrylic custom made tank for me, is acrylic any good
acrylic is great, but cleaning is annoying as it scratches really easy

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