I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
ill check my LFS today
goodness everything is sooo expensive!
It is indeed
any one know how to adjust the protein skimmer?
Yes, there is is a little thing you can turn, it's on top of the pipe
and where is the uv steriliser?
It's in with the pump for the spray bar, it is worked by the little box with a light on
carbon? rowaphos?
Yes, put it in the lttle bag that comes with the rowaphos and stick it in one of the sumps at the back
Also get some lr rubble for the back, you may have some in the tank you could use
Ditch the bio balls and filter
You must get the extra copapods asap - buy two lots, one for the tank and one to start a culture on the window sill. All you need is a container, air pump and some phytofeast - will be ready to start harvesting in about three weeks
Can you see the bone running along the side of the Mandy?
Photos please

Seffie x