

Fish Fanatic
Oct 18, 2004
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My freind got 2 discus's but one is being bullied in his tank. He wants me to take one. My tank has 3 sword tales 7 neon tetras 4 panda corries, 4 other fish about half size of sword tales (cant remember the name but are very calm fish) 2 plecs and some baby sword tale ( i know they might get eaten)

The tank is a quite heavily planted juwel 180 running the juwel filter with an eheim 2213 and co2 being injected into it. And has been running over 3 months

Should I take the discus or will I run into problems
you wont have any problems but like you said most of the fish will be eaten, are you planing on keeping this fish or just holding it? if so what size tank do you have?
The idea is to keep it, i have a juwel 180 vision (3ft 180 litres). The discuss at the moment is still quite small so was hoping it would learn to live with the other fish rather than eat them
discus do best kept in groups. Tell yur friend to throw another one in (carefully of course) and i think that may solve the problem. Its like that with a lot of fish. Keep one or get a group.
They are best kept to 4-6 in a tank. There will always be a dominate fish that will bully the others. With more fish in the tank, the victims have a rest period when the bully picks on someone else.

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