My freind got 2 discus's but one is being bullied in his tank. He wants me to take one. My tank has 3 sword tales 7 neon tetras 4 panda corries, 4 other fish about half size of sword tales (cant remember the name but are very calm fish) 2 plecs and some baby sword tale ( i know they might get eaten)
The tank is a quite heavily planted juwel 180 running the juwel filter with an eheim 2213 and co2 being injected into it. And has been running over 3 months
Should I take the discus or will I run into problems
The tank is a quite heavily planted juwel 180 running the juwel filter with an eheim 2213 and co2 being injected into it. And has been running over 3 months
Should I take the discus or will I run into problems