

New Member
Aug 18, 2004
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Birmingham, UK
My current occupants are 4 blue rams, 6 black neons, 4 adolfo's corys, 1 common plec, 1 black ghost knife, 1 emerand green discus and 1 blue turq. Id like to add a few glowlights, can they live happily with discus?

Thanks in advance!
Yes, they can. Almost any kind of tetra is compatible with Discus, the smaller, the better and more comfortable the Discus are in their surroundings.
David said:
Yes, they can. Almost any kind of tetra is compatible with Discus, the smaller, the better and more comfortable the Discus are in their surroundings.
When looking to add a tetra to a discus tank, make sure it can cope with the high temperatures discus require, also make sure they arn't too active for the discus. The Glowlight should be fine :)

However, discus should be kept in groups of 3+ in order to make them feel comfortable and spread out the aggresion. Finally, i hope you realise that a full grown BGK and common plec will need a bigger tank than the 4ft (55g?).
Thank you both for your help, and yes I realise my knife and pleco need larger living quarters. I am currently having a tank custom made for my sitting room, the size is 8.5ft long, 3ft deep and 3ft wide. It should be finished hopefully in the next month as I already have the stand for it, which is a huge mahogany chest. Its costly and not good for the two wall units I had to get rid of, but will definately be worth it. Once all is up and running, I'll post some pics :)
Wow you're lucky. I'm jealous, it should look great. I can't wait until I get older and can move out and do crazy stuff like have huge tanks and my own fish room. :wub: :drool:

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