Discus Spawned


May 11, 2012
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Hi all. After one of my bi-weekly water changes Sunday, I observed some odd behaviour from 2 of my larger discus. Staying in one particular place, close together chasing anything that came close. It was in a corner of the tank away from where I sit. On close inspection I had tiny fry wriggling away on a leaf, with the discus appearing to be constantly cleaning the surrounding area.
Sadly they were gone this morning. I'm surprised they spawned in a busy community tank tbh. I've no experience of breeding discus, so am wondering what to do for the best. Do I set up a bare tank with a spawning cone and move the pair over to that, or await some fry to survive and try rearing them in another tank.
My ambition was to breed successfully, just didn't expect a pair so soon after setting up this tank in May.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I'm no Discus expert but if they spawned in a community tank then I guess its possible the parents were uncomfortable with the presence of other fish. I think it would be inclined to breed them in a separate tank. However if you're not quite ready for that yet you could just leave them be and let nature take its course. If some make it then great.
Call me sentiment, but I just don't like the idea of the fry being eaten, yeah its natures way, but its not a natural biotope and the confined space of an aquarium greatly restricts their survival chances. Was never a fan of breeding livebearers as food either. Think you're right in essence tho, set up a breeding tank and enjoy seeing what happens
when discus spawn they will be come very aggressive to other fish in the community tank u need move them to a set up a bare tank with a spawning cone and move the pair over to that and keep up with the W/C depending on how meny other fish/discus u have it will be hard for the mom an dad protect them just let them go n move them over mate 
Thanks Wrighty. I've noticed more aggression, tho its not the normal bickering type, its more "gentle" but prolonged and consistent if that makes sense. When I had the wrigglers it was a pair of red turquoise nursing them. They've now been eaten. However, the pair are cleaning another site, but what I now know to be a female orange is moving in, laying eggs on the glass close by, which the male from the pair immediately eats. Didn't expect any of this in a community tank. Positive is they're obviously liking the conditions they have, and feeding regime. Will set up a breeding tank and see what happens.
all the wrigglers may have been eaten by other fish but also the 2 discus may of had them trying to look after um when they cleaning up this can happen till the 2 form a better bond and feel more safe ule see a difference when u move them as they dont need keep chasing other away the pair can eat ther eggs up to 6 month b4 u get a batch of discus fry but all depends on water and ect 
Thanks for all the input guys. Whichever way it goes its been a nice surprise, I see it as a result in so much as it's a thumbs up from my discus regarding the environment and how I'm looking after them. I'll enjoy trying to be successful raising a batch, again whichever way it goes it all adds to the experience.

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