Discus Question


Fish Crazy
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, England

I was at a lfs were i seen some wild discus and my question is can you keep wild and domestic discus together or is this not recomended also what is a good price for wild discus in the united kingdom, the ones that i seen were £88 for 4.5" - 5" in size

I'm sure it wont matter aslong as the Wild Discus has been treated for every disease out there. Some good morphs were made from wilds and Domestics. Also, holy smokes 88 for wilds over there in the UK? they are about $100-150 here in the U.S. Theyre is an actual pair of Domestic Discus at the LFS for about $80 each
Water conditions will be your main problem they will need to be perfect as they wont be as tolerant as tank breed discus
Well, one the of the problems is that they can carry quite a number of diseases domestics will have never been introduced to, you would definitley need to do a long quarantine process. Worm and fluke them. After 3 weeks, add a single Discus from your main tank into your QT tank (most people choose their runt.) If after 3-4 weeks, he looks healthy, then they both can be added into your main tank. As another person mentioned, wild discus don't do too well in hard/basic water. I have seen Wild Green Tefes in my LFS for $60 CND ea. These were adults ranging from 5 to 6 or 7 inches.

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