discus not eating

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Yes and you "steve" know all there is about discus do you? maybe not as like others said HAVING DISCUS IS EVER LASTING LEARNING thick ####
I thought this ####in forum was supposed to be ####in freindly
its ####e no help (hardly) and rude people
Oh and one last thing what the #### is 8) sopposed to mean? oh look at me my name is steve i am cool i have no dick :lol:
Yes and you "steve" know all there is about discus do you? maybe not as like others said HAVING DISCUS IS EVER LASTING LEARNING thick ####

Quite right :nod: ..I know nothing about Discus.

However, I have never pretended to know anything about Discus, I have never tried to keep Discus, and, most importantly, I have never killed any Discus as a result of blatant mistreatment. Unlike YOU eh?? :D

I thought this ####in forum was supposed to be ####in freindly

It is friendly (please note your spelling by the way!). If you recall the post below.....

i am sad to say the discus died thanks to the people that tried to help but i have to say another forum give me better advice and it had about 300 members so you should be ashamed of yourselfs

......it was you who was began all this by being petulant, childish and unfriendly :nod: .

8) = i seem to be a little cooler than you i think!! You are the only one getting all hot under the collar over this thread!! :D

oh look at me my name is steve i am cool i have no dick

I do, and it's rather LARGE actually :nod: :thumbs:

Good day....

steve 8) (cooler than you don't forget :p !)

PS..Sorry MOD's (i think I have been quite refrained though :nod: )
my arse at least i have the guts to try and keep discus i bet you stick with little live bearers oh goody its had babys oh lets orgy over them.
Have you got a 5 FOOT tank full with marines that holds more than 100 gallons? NO
This is becoming tedious, however, to be quite frank with you (again!!)....its not about having the "guts" to buy a species and see if it will merely live in a toally incorrect, poor enviromnent :no: .

Its about having the intelligence to research, understand, invest and then maintain that species properly :nod: .

Clearly you meet none of the above criteria :/ .

Have you got a 5 FOOT tank full with marines that holds more than 100 gallons? NO

Quite correct :nod:. But I highly doubt you have either. I am sure that, with your apparent pompous attitude, if you did have such a tank you would most definitely advertise the fact in your signature, along with the details of your overstocked and under cared for community tank :D .

Furthermore, if you can't even afford to purchase a TEST KIT (or decent filter) for your community tank, i fail to see how you would be able to stock and properly maintain a marine tank.

On a final note....You commented in your previous post on here that I have no dick. However, you kindly posted this remark on one of my posts in the african cichlid section.....

a dickhead posted a topic

...which one is it to be then....please make your mind up.....do I have dick or don't I?????

Now, I can only assume from your manner that you are no more than 4 years old so I would be grateful if you could please just run back to your nursery or kindergarten and ask your nanny or carer to let you play with the nice safe cuddly teddies and dollies instead of the shiny expensive computer equipment :nod: .

You have already wrecked your fishes lives. Let's not wreck anything else eh!! :D

steve 8) (don't forget...still cooler than you!!)
thebaldranger said:
Have you got a 5 FOOT tank full with marines that holds more than 100 gallons? NO

Quite correct :nod:. But I highly doubt you have either. I am sure that, with your apparent pompous attitude, if you did have such a tank you would most definitely advertise the fact in your signature, along with the details of your overstocked and under cared for community tank :D .
I do have a 5 foot marine tank if you want to argue about that i will bring my dad into this as it is HIS not mine and i will prove it when i get my camera
I am not arguing as it is getting petty now.
and there is something i have the guts for and thats to apologize.
You guys should stop this trash talking this is not good....Now lets get back to the topic...DIscusMan It's going to be really tough to keep your Discuss it top shape keeping it in a community tank...I've had Discuss before in a community tank with rams, rummynose, neons, and plecs, but I have to give it up because It is too much work and I'm in school and rather concentrate on it.... I started out with 5 juvi Discus and manage to keep 2 at adulthood.....The best thing to do with Discus when they don't eat is to dose your tank with Metro and soaked their food with it...the downside of keeping Discuss in a community tank especially if your medicating them is that most of your fish can't withstand really high temp especially if your treating for internal parasite you have to raise it all the way to 90 f or 33 C....when I did this on my tank i lost all my cory's and neons....If I were you i'd keep the discus in a bare bottom tank and use RO water....also you should feed them bloodworms, that's one of their natural food in the wild, go get the hikari brand, they are really clean and tasty...for the Discus ofcourse....
Heh Heh!!! i knew you were only 4 years old! :D

G_Sharky, I agree but if someone calls me a Dickhead I think I have the right to issue some form of response, dont you?? :nod:

steve 8)
Yeah, I don't wanna be called dickhead too.....Discusman you need to get your hand on some hexamit(metro) cause it won't be the last time your discus will stop eating...
abstract said:
i hope a mod LOCKS THIS POST PLEASE...it has gone as far as it needs to
abstract, I have already PM'd wuvmybetta and advised her of the thread.

I didn't particularly want it to go on like this myself but am sure you will appreciate my position :(

steve 8)
thebaldranger said:
I didn't particularly want it to go on like this myself but am sure you will appreciate my position :(

steve 8)
yes, i completely understand where you are coming from...but this whole thread is giving the board a bad name!
I've heard that dicus are really hard to keep and are not for beginners.
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