Porthious the Gourami said:
P. S. I hope the #### throwing comes to an end soon it is starting to be very boring.
There is no chucking going on just the bare truth here.
and in your reply there is alot of bull ______
First off tank bred discus are a hell of a lot stronger than wild caught discus.
As you have plecs in the tank DO NOT add any salt at all.
which naturally removed chlorine and other toxins without the use of those expensive chemicals which always make me feel woosy anyway
maturing water in this way only removes chlorine, if the water company use chloramines this stays in the water and heavy metals which discus don't like are also left in the water, and as you have found out there's the risk of injection not just from chemicals but things like bird poo, rat poo and other diesease riden materials. Also a good water condition does the exact oposite of "making me feel woosy" you have no proof to say that anyways, products like stress coat help the fish and can be used for it's medicinal purposes aswell, so if your discus start getting ill you can chuck in a double dose, i have done this in the past and it helps alot.
lectured about what equiptment i have
i was not lecturing you more advising you whats the point in buying expensive fish then after having a couple of them die think " oh, my fish might have a better chance if i upped the filtration!!" Before i bought my sensitive fish i made sure i was happy with how the filtration was going which meant buying a couple of powerful pumps first, then bought my stingrays.
and sorry but it's simple not good enough to not own a descent liquid test kit if your keeping fish as sensitive as discus.
You HAVE to keep tabs on the water quality as the smallest chemical increase is going to make them keel over.
It's not often i bother with the emergency section and now i do i get all the advice chucked back in me face......