Discus Id Needed?

I should think they'll be breeding in no time, most my stunted runts have died of now...But throughout the course of a year, around 4 different pairs eventually developed.Only left with the 4 healthier ones now.
Where did you purchase the discus from then DA?
I should think they'll be breeding in no time, most my stunted runts have died of now, but throughout the course of a year, around 4 different pairs eventually developed.Only left with the 4 healthier ones now.

Aw, theres always stunted discus in lfs these days. my local MA has really improved very clean tanks etc. and large room for discus. not loads cramed in a tiny tank they spread throughout many tanks.

the funny thing is, instead of my discus breeding, my corys are now breeding! they layed eggs everywhere and eat loads i saved 7 and am trying to raise them!
Naw, I managed to stunt them since they were only a couple of inches when I got them, then in spring/ summer I was outside la lot more so they didn't get as much feedings/water changes as they should of.Then around 6 months ago random discus started dieing will no signs, and the water quality was perfect.No new inhabitants or change of regime (which I picked up again on the second year), yet 4 died.
Naw, I managed to stunt them since they were only a couple of inches when I got them, then in spring/ summer I was outside la lot more so they didn't get as much feedings/water changes as they should of.Then around 6 months ago random discus started dieing will no signs, and the water quality was perfect.No new inhabitants or change of regime (which I picked up again on the second year), yet 4 died.

that just shows how much care they really do need. Right im off to bed :)
When I set up my 75 gallon I was considering Discus until I read that they were level "difficult" as to care and they needed water changes every single day ! Is that true ?
When I set up my 75 gallon I was considering Discus until I read that they were level "difficult" as to care and they needed water changes every single day ! Is that true ?

Depends really. If they are small Discus under 5 inches, then yes, daily water changes are needed in order to gain optimal growth. This rule isn't as true for adult Discus, though at least 2 water changes weekly are needed. 4+ feedings are needed for small discus, only 2-3 are needed for adults.

All in all, once the Discus get older, they are a lot easier going...
For adults you don't need to change twice weekly, but if thats what keeps your aquariums stable then I guess you'll have to.
I carry out water changes every 4-5 days on my discus. :good:
For adults you don't need to change twice weekly, but if thats what keeps your aquariums stable then I guess you'll have to.
I carry out water changes every 4-5 days on my discus. :good:

You can get away with a weekly water change, but I think the Discus will be happier with more, thats just what I think personally...
your f4 discus looks the spit of me leopardskin discus,

i generally clean mine every4-5 days but do about a 50% water change
What other fish are discus compatible with? i have a 750 litre tank that needs stocking wouldn't mind having a shoal of these if possible. The other inhabitants will be my retic ray and my red oscar?
What other fish are discus compatible with? i have a 750 litre tank that needs stocking wouldn't mind having a shoal of these if possible. The other inhabitants will be my retic ray and my red oscar?

The tank is about 200 gallons then?

I have seen a tank where a huge shoal of Discus where kept with an Arrowana (smiliar to a natural Discus/Arro habitat.) I think the only way this worked was due to the huge numbers of Discus, but I believe the tank was quite a bit bigger then this tank.

Discus are actually very peaceful Cichlids, and should normally only be kept with other peaceful community fish.

I have heard that rays can sometimes "pounce" on the Discus, due to them being so fragile and slow moving...
yep i'd say young red turk too.
that is a Beautiful discus you have DiscusAngel, hope you get the female before anyone else does
regards Angel

Hi, no i already have both of them got them at the same time, but the female was being a little so and so and wouldnt let me get some pictures! but got some but she gets excited! Lol, here she is.



On these i do 2 weekly water changes. around 25-35%
i would like a red coloured discus

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