Discus Cleaning Crew

Michael Roth

May 24, 2004
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I have 6 discus, 4 clown loaches, and 3 rams ....with a sailfin pleco. He is in my opinion, too aggressive. I'm wondering which pleco is best for the high temperature and low ph of my discus tank, I was thinking smaller, like bristlenose, as if I remember correctly, ottos can't take the heat :>
Which incidently is 86.5, with a ph of 6.
I have found that Zebra Otos can cope with the higher temperatures, Corydoras Sterbai could also be used. If you were searching for Plecs fish like Golden Nuggets L177, King Tiger L066, Leopard Frog L134 (I think) and Zebra Plecs L046 are good choices.
Hi Michael Roth :)

C. sterbai would be an excellent choice to go with your discus. They do well under the same conditions as the discus and might even spawn for you in there. :D
Zebra Plecs L047

Zebra Plecs are L046, Mango Plecs are L047

I corrected Ryan, one of the first time :p and plecs are his speciality ;)

Why is it saying L047 on my computer then?

Will....is this a problem that comes with these forum upgrades? or do i need to get my eyes checked?

I see it as...

I have found that Zebra Otos can cope with the higher temperatures, Corydoras Sterbai could also be used. If you were searching for Plecs fish like Golden Nuggets L177, King Tiger L066, Leopard Frog L134 (I think) and Zebra Plecs L047 are good choices.

:blink: :unsure: :huh: :eek: ... :S

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