Discus-and other fish

sja said:
Well people,
ive had water in it for about 2 weeks, (with the filter going) but only decorations fr about a week. i have never personaly found it neccessary to "cycle' a tank for longer that a week. And who am i supposed to beleive all of u are saying different things - low ph, high ph , the will be ok with everything -they cant do with anything. Maybe some peoples experiences are different to others. My mate has discus in with neons- sharks-platies at neutral ph with no problems. By get rid of i mean take them back to the petshop (were i work) and swap them.
Each to their own.
I think u need to do ALOT more research about discus.
jflowers said:
I agree 100% about the stable PH, I was just trying to give the IDEAL for Discus. Do you think he should get them? I hope not.

Do you think he should get them? I hope not.
I dont think he should get them now, i believe he needs to do more research n learn more about them.
i wasnt going to get them straigh away. Not when they could die, especially when they cost around $40. Later on maybe, And isnt this wat this sites for...... to help and inform!
sja said:
And isnt this wat this sites for...... to help and inform!
Yep, absolutely and it sounds like you are listening. Good luck with the fish. I would love to keep Dicus.

sja said:
i have never done a 'cycle' or used filter media from another tank before
i just go by the ph .
ive never had any bad luck with this.
The pH isn't what really determines the water quality, when compared to nitrAtes, nitrItes, and ammonia.

For a tank to have finished cycling, you will have to be getting test readings of 0ppm Ammonia, 0ppm NitrIte, and less than 40ppm NitrAte.
Once your tank has cycled you have built up enough beneficial bacteria for it to be able to convert Ammonia and NitrIte [both toxic to fish] into the safer NitrAte. Until this process is completed, I would recommend asking your LFS to 'board' your fish for you until the cycle is completed, as they probably sold you the fish without informing you of the cycling process.

8 neons, 8 platies, 4 silver sharks, 3 small angels and 3 corydoras catfish.

Personally I wouldn't find anything compatible with discus except for the neons [though you risk them being eaten -- cardinals are a better choice] and possibly the cories, though they won't be as happy in the higher temperature.
Having a bioload this large in an uncycled tank isn't safe for your fish. They will be producing a LOT of waste, leading to ammonia production. Since the bacteria are not present in large enough quantities, they will not be able to convert the ammonia into nitrate.

Please take the welfare of the fish into consideration. I would recommend you read the linked topics in Sylvia's signature before even considering discus. They're not really classified as a beginner fish, and they need pristine water conditions. For someone who does not cycle their tanks and relies strictly on pH tests, I'd say that you'd need to do a LOT more research before even looking at purchasing any discus.
Yer wateva mate.... As i said i have never ever cycled my tanks or done any other test apart from ph. When i used to have more tanks, the lived and bred very happily i'll have u no. Explain that 'littlefishie' and the fish i have at the moment are looking and doing very well. And they wont be going back to the petshop. They will be staying right in my tank, with hopefully no dramas. Also at my lfs they keep the discus at a normal ph, and normal temp (24-26) and none have ever died. And they live and look healthy. Explain that!!!!
sja - short for seriously jaded attitude??

it seems you have already made your mind up and are not prepared to listen to any of the good advice that is being given.

am a newbie here myself and these people are taking time to try and help with your queries. there knowledge is invaluable.

maybe not my place to say but perhaps a different forum may suit you better.

(apologies in advance to the Moderators but this guy seems to know it all already and is becoming quite tiresome)
sja said:
Yer wateva mate.... As i said i have never ever cycled my tanks or done any other test apart from ph. When i used to have more tanks, the lived and bred very happily i'll have u no. Explain that 'littlefishie' and the fish i have at the moment are looking and doing very well. And they wont be going back to the petshop. They will be staying right in my tank, with hopefully no dramas. Also at my lfs they keep the discus at a normal ph, and normal temp (24-26) and none have ever died. And they live and look healthy. Explain that!!!!
They may have lived and bred, but as it's been stated many times, there is a LARGE difference between surviving [aka living to you] and thriving. I assume by breeding you're mostly talking about livebearers, in which case they'll reproduce regardless of their conditions. I had a pair of guppies in a half gallon about a month ago. I left them in it for 6 hours because they were being picked on by their tankmates, and I needed to separate them until I got back from the pet store. I returned, and the female had dropped about 50 fry. Livebearers breed all the time. There's a reason why they are nicknamed 'millions fish'.

The fact that you say "they will be staying right in my tank, with hopefully no dramas" is a big clue to how you're treating your fish. Clearly you have some doubts if you have to use the word 'hopefully', indicating that you're aware of the risks that you're taking. Instead of taking those risks, why not safeguard yourself against them by taking the necessary precautions?

Instead of being defensive [as it appears you are by what reads as a sarcastic tone in your reply.. maybe I'm wrong, but that's definitely what it seems like to me] perhaps you could stop and think about this. You posted this topic to ask for help on something. The members of this forum are offering you that help. Instead of taking our advice and listening, you choose to ignore it and insist that your methods are right. Perhaps they have worked for you in the past with no 'bad luck', but that does not mean that they are the right methods. If fish tanks didn't need to be cycled, do you think that so many people would waste 6 weeks of their time with it?
thebaldranger said:
sja - short for seriously jaded attitude??

it seems you have already made your mind up and are not prepared to listen to any of the good advice that is being given.

am a newbie here myself and these people are taking time to try and help with your queries. there knowledge is invaluable.

maybe not my place to say but perhaps a different forum may suit you better.

(apologies in advance to the Moderators but this guy seems to know it all already and is becoming quite tiresome)
:clap: :clap: :clap:

I dont mean to sound sarcastic, rude or a no it all. Iam not getting discus because of what people on this forum. Baldranger no ones forcing u or anyone else to read or reply to anyones posts! When i say' hopefully' theres always a chance that something could go wrong, thers ALWAYS a chance that something may go bad. Iam also aware of the knoledge of these people and i really do appreciate it.
(FishForum.Net the friendliest Forum Around)??????
In my experience it is the friendliest forum I've seen for fish.

The only reason why I've been impatient with you is because it seems like [as thebaldranger said] you've already made up your mind and don't want to heed our advice. That, and your insistence on pH testing only. That really worries me. If it's the cost of a test kit, most LFSs will test your water for free. I have three stores around me, and I used to go to one each week to have my water tested until I got my test kit. It's worth a shot, just to make sure that your fish are living in good conditions.

The members here do their best to be friendly to everyone, but with the attitude you seemed to have in earlier posts, it's easy to get annoyed. I, for one, was more than ready to tell you off after your last post, but chose not to as it wasn't the right thing to do. You'll find that you get a higher number of helpful, nice replies when listening to advice rather than insisting that what you're doing is the right way. After all, you posted for advice, didn't you?

Either way, good luck with the tank, and hopefully you come up with something for those silver sharks. :)
sja said:
Yer wateva mate.... As i said i have never ever cycled my tanks or done any other test apart from ph. When i used to have more tanks, the lived and bred very happily i'll have u no. Explain that 'littlefishie' and the fish i have at the moment are looking and doing very well. And they wont be going back to the petshop. They will be staying right in my tank, with hopefully no dramas. Also at my lfs they keep the discus at a normal ph, and normal temp (24-26) and none have ever died. And they live and look healthy. Explain that!!!!
Also at my lfs they keep the discus at a normal ph, and normal temp (24-26) and none have ever died. And they live and look healthy. Explain that!!!!
I think tff is very friendly and the people on here are great. Everyone said that ur Angels, neons, bala's, n platies are not tank mates for discus, but u are deciding a to keep the fish u have currently. If u luv ur current fish y not set up another tank for discus only? just a suggestion
As i said i didnt mean to be rude, and i understand people were only giving me advice. And im not going to get discus.... in this tank at least. And as for the tests as i've only ever done ph tets im not sure of the other important ones. Are the nitrate,nitrite and ammonia? If so i can get.
seriously jaded attitude :/
Besides sharks growing........they are also very skitish and this can disrupt your discus at night...I had bought a pair by a shonky aquarium only to be told this by my discus breeder that this was a no no.
If you are going to have discus you should build your tank around your discus not hope that they will make do with what you currently have. They need priority and your undivided attention.
I put some plants in a few weeks ago and one of my discus got sick immediatly after and starting attacking them and stopped laying :dunno: So they are very particular, and get upset over small changes to their enviroment (imo)
Yes, i no about the sharks, and as i said im not going to get discus, maybe if i get more tanks again.....

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