There are two types of Osmocote
The regular osmocote covers these elements (each letter is symbol for an auto on the periodic table).
N, P, K, S
Osmocote plus covers macro and trace nutrients:
N, P, K, S Trace Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn
Plants need the following nutrients to grow
Macro: N, P, K, Ca, S Trace: B, Cl, Mn,Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo, Ni, Co
Note the differences. If you are using osmocote plus you will be short Ca, Cl, Ni, Co. At best your plants will grow slowly and may be stunted. At worst you will get no growth, your plants may die, and you my get a algae bloom. The above deficiencies are common in most fertilizers on the market .Only a few like Flourish Comprehensive have all of them. Now if you have hard water you might have enough of the missing elements in your water to get good results. IF you have soft or are using RO or distilled water you probably don't have them all.
If it is not on the label it is not in your tank!
Furthermore will all the others supplies the plants will grow until Ca, CL, Ni, and Co run out. It only takes a day for plants to deplete the water. Calcium chloride is used in Gh boosters and can be used to correct for two of the missing nutrients. Nickel chloride and cobalt chloride could be used to correct the remaining deficiencies but I don't know what the correct dosage for Nickel and cobalt are. Likely between 10 and 1 ppm, but that is just a guess.
Going to a dirt substrate might help for a few months. However eventually the soil will run out of nutrients and you will be right back to where your started. Also some soils are heavily depleted in nutrients, Especially tropical forest soils. Most of the nutrient may be in the trees instead of the soil. Some people have seen evidence of nutrients depletion in dirty aquarium in as little as 2 months. Those with hard water can go longer but eventually did tanks will need fertilizer.