did some re-arranging....and now i'm wondering...

I have 2 albino, 2 bronze and 2 pandas in one tank and they seem to get on. The pairs generally stick together but any combination can be found swimming around. The albinos are absolutely bonkers and will wear you out just looking at them so maybe not such a good choice as it could aggrevate the betta -_-

You might want to pop over onto the catfish board and ask there as they will know how big these guys grow and how many you can accommodate :)

Was trying to work it out going by the inch per gallon rule but I don't know their adult sizes for sure
some cories can get kind of big so maybe 3 with be too much. then again, if they have enough swimming space and proper filtration, which you should since cories are not messy, they should be all right
Our old Panda's are about 1.5" long. The Sterba, Juli, Albino, Bronze and Peppered grow to about 2.5" long.
I used to keep a male betta, 4 ghost shrimp and 4 albino cories in my 10 gallon. They all did fine. Although I think the albinos were dwarfs because they stayed about an inch.

I have an albino cory in my 29 gallon now, he also has one eye. He is perfectly fine and the only cory that survived. My 10 gallon's filter decided to poop out on me and all of the fish died except for him and a green cory.
thanks for all the info n stuff :thumbs:

i went and got another cory today...it's a spotted one, and my emerald seems to love him...he wasn't moving much all day...just sitting in one spot...but when i put the spotted in there, he was following him all over, and he was being MUCH more active. the spotted is still exploring. and now that i have 2 the betta isn't as interested in them...he's been too interested in his new neighbor, scraggle...he wasn't next to another male before i re-arranged things, but now that he is, he haves a blast visiting that side of the tank. lol. i'm thinking about taking pics....but i'd go about that by using my polaroid, then going on yahoo cam, point the cam at the poarloid picture, then push the "print screen" button, then paste it on paint, save it....and so on...so i don't think it's worth a polaroid to take a picture of...(they get expensive :( )

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