did some re-arranging....and now i'm wondering...


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
I decided to re-arrange my dresser, and the way i have it now, i can really see how empty this tank looks with just one fishy in it...it is a 10g tank with a filter and a heater, and i'm currently trying to get the temp to 75-80. not much decor in the tank....a fake small animal skull, thats all....

so i'd like to know how many of what i might be able to put with him. I'm hoping for something that can dart away fast enough for him to not be able to hurt them if he tried....and also something that won't mess with his fins, cuz i just love his mustard gas color...so pretty...i'd like to keep it that way ;)

so ya, any suggestions would be nice :D i'm also hoping for something that looks pretty, and if at all possible, non-school fish. (not a must)

thanks :D

edit-i've decided to switch sunset (my mustard gas male in the 5g) with maggie (the girl that i mentioned before editing the post who was in the 10g). maggie was not getting along with the filter, and i know sunset can deal with it better. so they have traded places, and seem to like everything.
You could put a few african dwarf frogs with him! :thumbs: Not exactly fish but very fun and cute to watch! Can't think of anything else at the moment! I had loads of ideas but I went to check on my bettas and forgot them when I came back to type a reply! Doh! :angry: I'll remember them later and tell you then!
Maybe some small cories?

My females have them in their tank and never really bother with them till feeding time comes and then they just nudge them out of the way to get their sinking wafers.

My males have been better kept alone as they seem more agressive towards tank mates :grr:
dwarf/pygmy cories would be nice :thumbs:

ok, great! now how many dwarf cories?

as for the ADF, i hear about them things left and right...are they the kind that become huge and eat everyone? or is that just the albino ones...cuz my sister has an albino frog thingy in her tank, and everything she had that was either the same size, or smaller than the frog was GONE. now they regularly buy minny goldfish to feed him. :crazy: the things a freakin monster....


edit-are snails any good? do you gotta feed them seperatly? and do they hurt anything?
You didn't see my all my babies betta were baby sit by apple snails? LOL They clean the tank real good. They don't eat live plant either. :)


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thats cool....i'll definetly look into it!

so....does anyone know how many dwarf cories can go into a 10 gal, with a possible apple snail and male betta?
Its ACFs (african clawed frogs) that eat fish. You rarely find albino ADF's, and ADFS only grow to a couple of inches. ACFS grow as big as your hand.
ok then, so adf's are safe....aCf's are BAD! got it. i'm gonna be writtin this stuff on my hand and take a trip to petsmart :D

# of cories....anyone?
My boyfriend and I each have a ghost shrimp living with our bettas. The fish generally leave the shrimp alone and the shrimp keep the tanks clean as well as provide entertainment for us. However, some more agressive fish may attack the shrimp, but as far as price goes, we got ours for under a dollar for the pair.
I don't know about the number of cories sorry! -_-
well, since no one told me how many cories can go in there, i went ahead and got 1. so now i have Sunset (MG male betta), cory (the cory :rolleyes: ), and gary (the apple snail!).

Sunset doesn't like cory :( but he isn't hurting him...just following him and shakin his butt...oh ya, and cory is one eyed :crazy: i didn't notice it when i chose him...but ya, he seems to get around fine, and it doesn't look like a recent injury. the snail is considerably small compared to some of the other apple snails, which were the size of apples (go figure). i'd say about an inch or two big. both of them took to the tank immediatly.

btw, i don't know what kind of cory cat i have....he's not albino and he's not spotted...he shines pastel green like cellophane easter wrap. is this an emerald cory? we don't remember what the tag said....and no one had "dwarf" cories. i asked the person at petsmart how many i could have in the 10g, and they said probably 2.

well, ya, everythings going good....i'm still hoping for a froggy...but the store we went to had everything BUT the ADF. aw well....maybe tomorrow. :dunno:
Cories should really be in a minimum of 3 as they are very sociable and like to school. If you don't have much room at least get one more or your cory could get depressed :(

Your apple snail sounds cute :wub:

Give your betta time to adjust to its new tank mates and hopefully they will all get along
will different cory species get together along fine?

and even though the petsmart person said 2, can anyone confirm thats all i should have? i mean, would it work out with 3? cuz i was thinking, if i could get 3, then i'd want an albino and a spotted to go with the emerald...

but ya, can someone tell me if 3 would work?

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