Diamond head tetras got something

Doing the right thing by using the meds another week, don't want to cut the treatment short then the desease start up again, good luck.
The otos look good, but I am uncertain about continuing the Aquari-Sol. It is so mild that I think it will be alright. The otos don't look stress at all. I think I will just continue with it also. I can't remember if I missed one yesterday? :blink:
Well, another diamond head bit the dust last night. It had been a week since any were lost. Something didn't look right yesterday. I didn't know what, and I needed to change the medication regimen. So I put in a call to the techs at Drs.FosterandSmith and Mardel

I finally reached the techs today at Mardel/Virbac, the meds producer I am using, and FostersandSmith. They have switched me to Maracyn only. It is the correct med for columnaris. Maracyn Two is unnecesary and Maracyn Plus should not be combined with any other meds.

There was some debate about adding CopperSafe, for a secondary infection of external paracites. Mardel said yes and fosters said no. I added it because I ended the Aquari-Sol treatment early, and I will watch for stress from the other fish.

They have completed their antibio food treatment, to their relief. I ended it with a plentiful feed of daphnia which was enjoyed and a piece of algae wafer.

I've done two water changes, a 30% last night (which might have been the stress that pushed the little neon over the edge) and a 10%, put in a new carbon filter (one good thing about Mardel), added some more salt, Stress Coat and Zyme, and have been gradually turning down the temp.

Some of the neons look iffy to me. They have not recovered and may have damage I suppose. I will be relieved if I don't lose them all, but I don't think I will ever put them in with the other tetras in the big tank.

I just looked and one of the neons has lost almost all his color, he is twitching a bit and not swimming perfect. Sigh
They all made it overnight with the new and stronger med changes. Everyone is eating. If there is no permanent internal damage perhaps the remaining 8 neons will make it through now.
R.I.P. Good luck.
The Maracyn (one) seems to be having an effect. One is still pale/milky but he is eating and swimming ok. They are all active little tetras working on their pecking order constantly. The pale one just effectively held off the pack with a bloodworm in his mouth. :rofl:

I have some hope again that there will be survivors. They survived a week of the wrong antibiotic. They are now on the correct treatment and seem to be doing ok.

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