Diamond head tetras got something

Aquarisol-Sol is very mild. I use it as a watert reatment. Again it is soluable copper salts. some hobbyist use it at every water change. If it is ich it might slow it down. What about the temps. High kills ich and speeds saddleback.
No not adding salt. Want to cleanse nets water change equip. etc.

No plecs in quarantine--just otos, gauramis, neons.

The spots are on the backs of the otos. Look like they might be larger than ich. Fish not flicking or scraping.
I wish I could. I can try. It might take me all day. :lol: I've not tried to upload anyplace but my own yahoo photo album.

Also I haven't been able to get the hang of getting my camera to get good closeups. It should do it, but I :dunno:
Do the patches look like a slimey of white colour, any excess slime does your tank feel more slimey than usual.
Did them articles make any difference.
Well sorry, Wilder. I answered I but must have gotten distracted before I posted the answer.

I am trying to up load a picture to Yahoo or msn. I ran into a stumble just when you posted.

I'm getting more and more convinced that it isn't ich. I have dealt with ich before. Just hard to get a good look with my glasses at an otoin the dark corner. :) Hang in there I'm working on getting a sort of decent photo up, maybe :lol:

I am also going to check a couple of sources about using aquari-sol at this point just to be sure--even as a preventative, which it is used as.
Ok, Wilder, while I work on uploading to this thread, I am sending you a PM to check the sick oto pics on my yahoo photo album

Yeah well that won't work. Don't know how to send you a link on a post.
Sorry i can't help you wih the pics as i'm useless, i have to ask my son to do it for me.
Wilder said:
Sorry i can't help you wih the pics as i'm useless, i have to ask my son to do it for me.
Here are my sorry attempts at pics of one oto.

I will try the neons now.
Sorry i can't see anything on those pics, it's hard they seem to move as you just about to take the pic.
Yeah I haven't got the hang of it at all. Thanks

The white blotches are there but blurry
My eye sight not the best, are the plecs heavy breathing can you see any white spots on the gills.

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