Fish Crazy
So i had the urge to order a refractometer last week for some reason. Ive always used a hydrometer. People always say that it's alot more accurate then a hydrometer. I'm always like yea yea my hydrometer works fine. So when i got it in i tested my water with the hydrometer and it said 1.022. I tested it with the refractometer.....1.038. No wonder stuff was dying! i couldnt believe the difference. i did a couple water changes over the course of several days and brought the level down to 1.024. Most of the corals were not very happy about the high salt levels. Now that i adjusted it, some of them look like they are starting to recover, but time will tell. The coco did loose it's crown, but it's growing a new one now. It's still very responsive when it senses danger, so i take that as a good thing. I did also take 90% of the chaeto out. I have a clump in my aquaclear filter, thinking about getting a bigger aquaclear to hold more. None of it is in my tank anymore
On the other hand, i did get a little damsel to see how it would fare. The damsel is showing new symptoms that the clowns didnt show. It is swimming around with it's mouth open, and it does have a spot or two now on it. Ive narrowed down the parasite that i have to marine oodinium. I was reading on it earlier today and the symptoms of it are exactly what the damel and the clowns show. I found a couple medications that were reef safe that'll cure it apperently. One of them being reef herbtana, and the other being stop parasite. But i dont think i feel comfortable dosing that in the tank with the inverts and corals in there. They also said that a UV Sterilizer would help. So i might get one of those. But for sure if the damsel doesnt make it then i will just sit fishless for a month or two, which is what i was doing before.
Anyways, with that being said i did redo my aquascape. It's alot more simple now, and i think it looks alot better then before.
Front View:
Side View:
On the other hand, i did get a little damsel to see how it would fare. The damsel is showing new symptoms that the clowns didnt show. It is swimming around with it's mouth open, and it does have a spot or two now on it. Ive narrowed down the parasite that i have to marine oodinium. I was reading on it earlier today and the symptoms of it are exactly what the damel and the clowns show. I found a couple medications that were reef safe that'll cure it apperently. One of them being reef herbtana, and the other being stop parasite. But i dont think i feel comfortable dosing that in the tank with the inverts and corals in there. They also said that a UV Sterilizer would help. So i might get one of those. But for sure if the damsel doesnt make it then i will just sit fishless for a month or two, which is what i was doing before.
Anyways, with that being said i did redo my aquascape. It's alot more simple now, and i think it looks alot better then before.
Front View:

Side View: