Demm's 20G Long

i'm using oceanic natural seal salt mix (blue container).

Alright -nemo- question for you. Wierd clown behavior. The 2nd clown that i bought is wierd. I'll find it at times laying down on the sand. When it sees me it gets up and swims like normal. Even at night it'll do this. sometimes it'll even sit on the bottom and prop itself on the glass. It eats normal, and swims normal when it wants to. No clue what it's doing...or what i'm doing wrong?
i'm using oceanic natural seal salt mix (blue container).

Alright -nemo- question for you. Wierd clown behavior. The 2nd clown that i bought is wierd. I'll find it at times laying down on the sand. When it sees me it gets up and swims like normal. Even at night it'll do this. sometimes it'll even sit on the bottom and prop itself on the glass. It eats normal, and swims normal when it wants to. No clue what it's doing...or what i'm doing wrong?

Hmmm I have some clown babies who do something similar, for whatever reason (I contribute it to begging for food). Any chance of a video? If not, I'd just keep an eye on him for now.
hmm well the clown doesnt seem to be doing so well anymore. Not sure what's wrong with it but it's stomach area and around it's fins is white, and the skin looks like it's coming off. Hopefully it's not something i caused somehow? any idea what it might be? he seems to have lost the use of both of the front fins. my other clown is perfectly fine still. no symptoms of this at all:






Edit: well he didnt make it. :( but i'd still like to know what it was if anyone knows
What a shame.

It's difficult to tell from your pictures, but the peeling might have been the fish building up mucus and shedding it, this is common when a fish is sick, however, I have a sneaking suspicion it may have been brookynella especially with how quickly the fish died.

Brookynella is a external parasite that kills very quickly, often within a day or 2. Clowns are very susceptible to the parasite. Usually not too much you can do, unfortunately, because it is so rapid :(
Usually brookynella only effects wild caught clowns (specifically maroon clowns), but realistically captive bred clowns can catch it by being in a system that had wild caught clowns in it (like at the LFS).

Because clowns CAN catch it so easily, watch your other one closely. Formalin baths seem to work best with trying to rid the parasite.

Again, only a real sneaky suspicion.
It really does suck tho. Makes me feel so bad when a fish of mine does. At least i wasnt the cause of it if that was the case. Can it effect other fish as well? If so then how much longer should i wait before trying to add a new clown or other fish? Also both of the fins were paralysed. It just moved about with its tail...does that help at all?
Are you sure it couldn't move it's pectoral fins? Clownfish don't swim like most fish, very lazy.

Brookynella can infect other fish, and it may not even be that. I would wait at least a week perhaps two before adding anything else.
no it couldnt move either one. they both stayed motionless. i know that they are very lazy swimmers. it was swimming with it's back tail, and couldnt keep it's balance and kinda swim in corkscrews, or upside down at times. it never tried to corect itself with his pectoral fins. they were just motionless. all the way around the pectorals were white shedding of skin. that was the only part of the fish that looked "sick" as you can kinda tell by the pics. it would also swim kinda vertically in mostly one spot as well. But i'm for sure that it was not able to move those fins. even my other clown moves them a bit while floating in one spot.

ok so no fish for a couple weeks, no problem at all. how about corals though? are those safe to add, or would i wait for those as well?
no it couldnt move either one. they both stayed motionless. i know that they are very lazy swimmers. it was swimming with it's back tail, and couldnt keep it's balance and kinda swim in corkscrews, or upside down at times. it never tried to corect itself with his pectoral fins. they were just motionless. all the way around the pectorals were white shedding of skin. that was the only part of the fish that looked "sick" as you can kinda tell by the pics. it would also swim kinda vertically in mostly one spot as well. But i'm for sure that it was not able to move those fins. even my other clown moves them a bit while floating in one spot.

ok so no fish for a couple weeks, no problem at all. how about corals though? are those safe to add, or would i wait for those as well?

Corals and fish cannot catch one another's illnesses. Double check your parameters and if they are all in check I don't see any reason not to add corals if you wish.

As for the disease, I have no idea i'm afraid.
well it didnt take long. my other clownfish was doing perfectly fine when i got home at 6:30pm. At about 9:30 he was already gone. So i'm sitting right now with an empty aquarium. I dont even know how to proceed. Never had this ever happen to me. How long does the beneficial bacteria stay in there with no fish? How long does that parasite stay in there with no fish? I was planning on buying some more live rock in a day or two, but after that i'm not sure where to go, when to get more fish. When will the aquarium be safe to have life in it again?
well it didnt take long. my other clownfish was doing perfectly fine when i got home at 6:30pm. At about 9:30 he was already gone. So i'm sitting right now with an empty aquarium. I dont even know how to proceed. Never had this ever happen to me. How long does the beneficial bacteria stay in there with no fish? How long does that parasite stay in there with no fish? I was planning on buying some more live rock in a day or two, but after that i'm not sure where to go, when to get more fish. When will the aquarium be safe to have life in it again?

The die of from adding more live rock should help need the bacteria for a little while. Do you have any inverts in there? Although a small bioload, they will help to feed the bacteria and will not be affected by any fish disease/parasites.
With the other symptom you posted I really have no idea what it was that got your fish, unfortunately.

It sounds like you've had some horrible luck :(
May I first suggest, a new LFS.
I got a couple new things so i thought i would update, sorry about the quality once sucks still. Someone bought the light i was wanting so i'm going back to the drawing board on it lol:

Tank now (have about 35lbs of rock:

Got 6 Red Leg Hermits:

2 Nassarius snails:

Red Coco:

I was going to get a fighting conch, but i totally forgot to tell the guy that i wanted it. So i might go back tomorrow and get that, and possibly a couple more snails or crabs.
have a wierd orange thing on my rock lol

maybe it's a coral or something of some sort, maybe a sponge. Time will tell
Alright here we go again! Went back to the store for my conch, and of course i came out with more then just the conch lol

Fighting Conch:

6 astreas:

Little frogspawn:

Little Torch:

Both frags are very small, single head. The torch looks like it's starting to split. But it's alot more fun to me to buy something small and watch it grown :) Currently The tank is lit by a little 12 inch 24 watt power compact. I put the frags all the way at the top. I will be ordering a light today, and should be in by the end of next week sometime. I am also dosing the tank with Kent Marine Zooplex for the coco and the corals as well

so currently my stock is:

6 Astrea Snails
6 Red Leg Hermits
2 Nassarius Snails
1 Fighting Conch
1 Coco Worm
1 Frogspawn
1 Torch

Fish to come in about a month or two!

Also got a Maxijet 40 powerhead. That combined with the aquaclear 10 bring me to 190GPH flow rate. Water seems to be moving in all parts of the tank, and nothing is getting blasted by current, so i am happy so far
Big update! i posted on a local forum for some frags and i got alot of responses! here are some pics. most of them are not open yet, but i couldnt resist taking pics. i'll post more pics when everything opens up. also got some chaeto. i told the person just a fist sized ball. they said no way and gave me a basketball sized ball lol. so theres some in my aquaclear and the rest is in my tank until i figure out what to do with it.


Fire and ice zaos:

Yellow polyps:









kenya tree:

bristle worm:



full tank:

i think im going to take out several pieces of rock. i think its a bit to crowded. gonna go for a much simpler aquascape i think
Yes, you do have rather a lot of rock :D and its more than you require for filtration, that is if it is all live (forgive me, I cant remember), but some of it doesn't look live?

If it were me I would use all the rock and creat a lovely bommie (mountain) either in the middle or to one side or maybe even two smaller bommies :good:

Seffie x

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